Country of origin of goods: what is it, digital codes, classifier, what are the criteria and rules for determining
To fill out certain documents, both Russians and foreign citizens need to know citizenship codes,
Employee recall from vacation
We issue a review from an employee’s vacation - a sample order
Annual paid rest is the right of every employee. But if necessary, the employer can accept
Requirements for accounting information: general preparation of financial statements
What accounting requirements must be met so that it can be used to
OKUN 2016 - All-Russian classifier of services to the population (as amended from 01/01/2013)
Household services 010000 (2) 011000 - Repair, painting and sewing of shoes (CC - 5)
Rules for drawing up an order for granting annual leave in form T-6 - form and sample for downloading
Registration deadlines for granting annual paid leave to an employee An order must be drawn up no later than
Rules for accounting for shares in accounting (nuances)
Promotion: what is it? A share is an element inherent in joint stock companies (JSC). The authorized capital (AC) of these
GPC agreement in 1C 8.3 Accounting - step-by-step instructions
A GPC agreement is an agreement between the contractor and the customer within the framework of the Civil Code, while
Sample receipt
State tax duty: Federal Tax Service details, receipt, payment in 2022
Who pays if there are several payers? If there are several state duty payers, then there are different opinions,
Preparation of information about the impossibility of withholding personal income tax
How to fill out 2-NDFL if it is impossible to withhold tax
All organizations and individual entrepreneurs paying income to individuals are required to withhold personal income tax from this income,
List of accredited OFDs of Russia on the tax website
From July 2022, most companies selling retail and providing services to citizens will have to
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