About legal entities
What fines are we talking about? A fine from the tax office is a punishment for breaking the law -
What is a tax deduction, why do you receive it? A tax deduction is a certain amount.
What is the difference between vacation pay and sick pay in terms of personal income tax? In form 6-NDFL along with the usual
In general, a deduction means a reduction in the tax base or calculated tax by the amount
Definition A3 Slow-moving assets are current assets with a low level of liquidity. If
What is an invoice? An invoice is the main accounting document confirming the fact of shipment of goods or provision
The concept of “tax” The principles of the tax system of the Russian Federation are established in the Tax Code of the Russian Federation, ibid.
The concept of state duty In Art. 333.16 of the second part of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation stipulates that the state duty
Transport tax rates in the Moscow region For the year Name of the object of taxation Rate (rub.) for
Who submits simplified accounting financial statements by the Law “On Accounting” dated December 6, 2011 No. 402-FZ