Entries in a paper work book are made on the basis of an order or instruction from the manager and must comply with the rules established by law (Order of the Ministry of Labor of Russia No. 320n).
VLSI will tell you what to write down in the labor report when hiring, dismissing or transferring an employee.
Using the example of personnel situations, let's look at how entries are made in a paper work book.
Employment Record
- In column 3, indicate the full name of the organization and its abbreviated name, if any.
- In column 1, enter the serial number of the new entry. It should be located on the next line after the name of the organization.
- In column 2, indicate the date of hire, for example “07/15/2021”.
- In column 3, record your appointment. Enter the name of the position, specialty or profession indicating qualifications. If an employee is hired in a specific department, enter its name.
- In column 4, indicate the date and number of the order or other decision of the employer, according to which the employee was hired.
If an employee is hired to work in a separate department, in column 3, indicate its name as the name of the department.
What the law says
Labor legislation does not specify specific requirements regarding the procedure for filling out work books for hired managers of organizations. The appointment of the general director to the position is carried out on the basis of a legal act (decision of the founders, decision of the meeting of participants, etc.) or an order for personnel. Opinions differ regarding the indication in the employment order document regarding the manager, because Clause 3.1 of the Instructions for filling out work books (approved by Resolution of the Ministry of Labor of the Russian Federation dated October 10, 2003 No. 69) speaks of the possibility of indicating an order or other decision of the employer on admission. Some experts believe that the labor document must indicate either an order or a decision of the constituent body on appointment to a position. Others believe that both documents should be included.
Despite the leadership position, the director of the organization is the same employee as everyone else. Labor relations with him are formalized in a general manner, and entries in the work book are made on a basis common to all employees. When filling out the document, you should be guided by Appendix No. 1 to Resolution of the Ministry of Labor of Russia dated October 10, 2003 No. 69 and Resolution of the Government of the Russian Federation dated April 16, 2003 No. 225.
Record of part-time work
If you are applying for a part-time appointment, you do not need to request a work book from the employee.
At the request of the employee, the main employer makes a record of the employment of a part-time worker. To do this, he will need a certificate of employment signed by the manager and certified by a seal, which will indicate the name of the organization, the position of the employee, the date and reason for the appointment. Also, as a supporting document, the employee can present a certified copy of the order for part-time employment.
- In column 1 put the number of the new entry, in column 2 - its date.
- In column 3, enter the full and short name of the organization in which the employee got a part-time job, and the name of the position, specialty or profession indicating qualifications.
- In column 4, indicate the details of the document (copy of the order) on the basis of which the employee was hired to work in another organization. Enter the work date and number.
The nuances of hiring a director
The employee only needs to submit an application for employment; at this stage, the specific features lie only in personal and social qualities. Based on the results of the interview and after the approval and selection of his candidacy, he may be accepted.
But for this, the fact of dismissal must be recorded in the applicant’s labor code with an appropriate entry. Without it, recruitment to a position cannot take place. The next stage will depend on who the director’s employer is:
- municipality;
- himself;
- co-founders.
In addition, it will be important whether the position is elected or whether the person is appointed by order of higher-level management. Depending on these factors, the algorithm for further actions should work, which may include:
- In simple acceptance by order.
- In a similar edition of the order to himself.
- In the resolution of the co-founders.
After establishing the basis, an order for employment is issued and an entry is made into the labor record. Keep in mind that after the hiring order for large enterprises where the director is elected by decision or vote, it is necessary to issue a second order - on his assumption of office.
The second order is not reflected in the labor document, but serves the purpose of internal organization of activities.
Upon subsequent receipt of another education, the education is entered into the work book.
How to make an entry in the work book for the general director - a sample of hiring based on the protocol:
An entry in the work book about the appointment of the general director is a sample of acceptance based on two protocols:
Record of issuance of a paper work record book
- In column 1, enter the serial number of the new entry; in column 2, indicate the date of issue of the paper work book.
- In column 3, make a note that the employee submitted a written application for the issuance of a paper work certificate - with reference to the article of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation.
- In column 4, indicate the date of the application.
- Fill out the paper work record book:
- in column 12 - make an entry from the labor report;
- Column 13 must contain the signature of the employee.
Examples of records of appointment/election by general director
Instead of the word “appointed” in the wording on hiring a director of a company, the word “elected” may be used, because the general meeting of the company’s participants (if there is more than one participant) elects the director.
Correct the entry in the work book
If there is an error in the entry, it cannot be crossed out. To change data, first make a note that the old entry is invalid. After this, you can make the correct entry.
- In column 1, enter the number of the new entry, in column 2, the date of its entry.
- In column 3, indicate which entry was invalidated. For example, “Record No. 2 is invalid.”
- Enter the correct entry. In column 4, repeat the date and order number of the old (incorrect) entry or the new order on the basis of which the correct entry was made.
Record of dismissal
- In column 1, enter the serial number of the entry, in column 2, indicate the date.
- In column 3, record your dismissal and indicate the reason. It must be written down in exactly the same way as in the order to terminate the employment contract - with reference to the article of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation.
- In column 4, enter the date and number of the dismissal order.
- In column 3, indicate the position, signature and transcript of the signature of the specialist who made the changes. Apply the organization's seal.
- Have the employee sign the work record book to confirm agreement with the organization's employment records.
Who signs?
From the moment of his appointment (election) to this position, the general director has the sole right, as the head of the organization, to sign orders for the appointment, dismissal, and transfer of employees.
Including orders regarding your candidacy. This also applies to the ability to enter data into the work record book and the work record book.
In reality, a more common option is the appointment of an authorized official, who is ordered by order to perform the specified official duties.
In some situations, such entries in the work book can be made by the founder or a representative of the supervisory advisory body that determines the policy of the organization.
The practice of entering data into the work book of the general director in some typical cases:
In situations where a general director is appointed to a hired position, current labor legislation requires that the entire procedure be carried out in a standard manner.
They are entered by an authorized employee acting as a personnel service employee. The only nuance becomes the moment of appointment of the general director and his dismissal:
- When appointing such a person to a new organization, the corresponding order can only be issued by himself on the basis of the already specified protocol.
- The order for the appointment of a new general director to replace the one who has left the position is signed only by the predecessor or an authorized official appointed by order of the current general director.
- an order for his dismissal before leaving office.
An alternative is to appoint an official authorized to carry out this action by special order.
Entries in the work book of the general director-founder of the LLC are made taking into account some other nuances:
Being the sole founder of the organization , such a leader independently issues to himself an “Order of appointment based on the decision of the founder.” The Order may indicate a decision to appoint a general director or to assume the duties of a general director.
To comply with the provisions of the current Labor legislation, the General Director will need to comply with all stages of drawing up such a document, including obtaining a handwritten signature from the “new” employee.
In this case, in the Order of Appointment, as well as in the Order of Dismissal in a similar situation, two signatures are placed on behalf of the manager and on behalf of the employee.
Dismissal by transfer
- In column 1, enter the serial number of the entry, in column 2, indicate the date.
- In column 3, indicate the reason for dismissal and the name of the organization to which the employee transferred. Provide a link to the article of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation.
- In column 4, enter the date and number of the dismissal order.
- In column 3, indicate the position, signature and transcript of the signature of the specialist who made the changes. Apply the organization's seal. Have the employee sign the work record book to confirm agreement with the organization's employment records.
- In column 3, as a heading, reflect the name of the organization to which the employee was transferred - full and abbreviated, if any.
- Under the heading in column 1, indicate the serial number of the entry, in column 2 - its date.
- In column 3, make a record of hiring, indicating the department and position, as well as the reason - “in the order of transfer.”
- In column 4, enter the date and number of the employment order.
In case of transfer to the position of director
Considering the specifics of the appointment and dismissal of the general director, such a decision can only be made by the founder or the board of founders. It must be recorded in the protocol and the number of this document is entered in paragraph 5 of the work book.
In most cases, the dismissal of the previous general director and the transfer of another employee to his position is formalized by a general protocol.
The transfer of a new managerial employee itself can be formalized by a special “Order on his appointment to a new position based on the decision of the founder.”
An alternative option may be to formalize the transfer through dismissal and signing a new Employment Agreement.
Dismissal due to the death of an employee
- In column 1, enter the serial number of the entry; in column 2, indicate the date of dismissal from the death certificate.
- In column 3, indicate the reason for termination of the employment contract - “in connection with the death of an employee” - with reference to the article in the Labor Code of the Russian Federation.
- In column 4, enter the date and number of the dismissal order.
- In column 3, indicate the position, signature and transcript of the signature of the specialist who made the entry. Apply the organization's seal.
Algorithm for dismissing the CEO
Dismissal can occur for various reasons: the closure of a company, a decision of the management company, etc. This information is entered into the work book of the general director, which is important for the management of the company and the personnel department employees of the place of work from which the employee leaves, and subsequent ones.
Stages of dismissal of a CEO:
- The board of directors or other authorized body decides to dismiss the old one and appoints a new general director. A person is also elected who will supervise the transfer of cases.
- On the last day of work, the general director draws up an order to resign.
- An act of acceptance and transfer of documents is drawn up.
- The former manager receives a settlement. The HR specialist makes a corresponding entry in the work book.
- Over the next three days, the relevant information is entered into the register of legal entities, and the data of the former general director is excluded from the Unified State Register of Legal Entities.
Sample notice of dismissal of the general director
Depending on the reasons for dismissal, the entry in the general director’s employment record will look different (the mark is regulated by Labor Code Article 278).
The entry in the work record looks like this: 1st column - the number of the entry being made. Column 2 - date of dismissal from the position of General Director. Column 3 - reason for dismissal (below are examples for entering into the work book, based on the circumstances of dismissal):
- bankruptcy of the company - “in connection with the liquidation of the organization”;
- decision of the management company or the owner - “in connection with the adoption by the meeting of shareholders of a decision on the early termination of the employment contract”;
- failure to fulfill one’s direct duties and other reasons - “in connection with the employee’s repeated failure to fulfill job duties without a good reason”;
- dismissal at the request of the employee - “at the initiative of the employee.”
Example of a resignation letter.
Column 4 - it indicates the document (decision of the board of directors, owners of the company, etc.), according to which the general director terminates his powers.
IMPORTANT! When dismissing the general director, the signature on the employment contract is placed by the same person who signed the order for his appointment.
Make changes when changing your last name
- On the title page of the work book, cross out the employee’s old name and enter the new one.
- On the back cover, write down the reason for changing your last name with a link to the supporting document. For example, a marriage registration certificate.
- Please indicate your position and last name. Sign and affix the organization seal.