Job description of the Deputy General Director

How many deputies does the director have?

Depending on the number of employees and the organizational structure of the enterprise, the staffing table may provide for various titles of positions of the deputy general director, for example:

  • First Deputy General Director;
  • Deputy General Director for General Affairs;
  • Deputy General Director for Financial Activities;
  • Deputy General Director for Sales, etc.

A sample job description for a deputy director of an LLC (2020), which can be downloaded in the article, will differ from all other job title options in the functional rights and responsibilities of the top officials of the organization.

Position of Deputy General Director

This position is not only very prestigious, but also highly paid. The average monthly salary in the country is from 100 thousand rubles. (depending on the region). As a rule, energetic people with work experience who are ready to absorb significant amounts of information are hired for this position. Having a higher education is one of the main requirements for applicants. The ability to make quick decisions and think logically is also a plus.

Specific requirements for a candidate for the position of deputy director and his main responsibilities are formed taking into account the specifics of the organization's activities. Often he has to perform representative functions and take part in the formation of a client base. During the absence of the general director, this specialist takes over the management of the company. The deputy is given a power of attorney to sign important documents and perform actions related to the company’s activities.

General provisions

Who does the deputy report to?

Deputies' subordination is, as a rule, direct, that is, they report directly to the first person in the organization. However, it is permissible to make an announcement in the instructions that, for example, the first deputy is directly subordinate to the head of the organization or directly to the decisions of the owners of the company. In the job description of the deputy for general issues, you can indicate that he reports not only to the head of the organization, but also to his first deputy.

Who reports to the deputy

If the staffing level of the enterprise is significant and the number of deputies is more than two, it is advisable to assign in writing to each of them certain divisions that they will supervise, and the leadership of which will be linked directly to each of them. The first deputy, as a rule, oversees departments related to the main and direct activities of the company, for example, production, energy and technical control departments. The address of the Deputy for Economic Affairs is the planning, sales and accounting departments. The area of ​​responsibility of the deputy for general issues includes the economic department, personnel and office.

Procedure for appointment and dismissal from position

Depending on the established procedure in the organization, the instructions in this section indicate that a person is appointed and dismissed from his position by order of the head of the company. It may be stated that people are appointed to the positions of the CEO (as the names of these positions are sometimes abbreviated) in accordance with the charter of the organization, the decision of the owners of the company, and are subject to dismissal in the same manner.

Who performs duties during the period of temporary absence

This section of the general part of the instructions provides for the procedure for temporary replacement in the event of the absence of a deputy director. Most often, as the job description states, the deputy general director can be replaced by the head of one of the departments he supervises. This allows you to plan work more efficiently, since you don’t have to think every time who can perform the duties of an absent employee. It can be written more simply that the temporary acting position will be a specialist appointed by a separate order of the General Director.

Qualification requirements

If the position does not imply the presence of any benefits or restrictions that are provided for by current legislation, the developer of the instructions can independently come up with what kind of education and work experience the employee should have. You can use qualification directories for management positions as a hint. If a position involves benefits and restrictions or is included in the list of professional standards, it will be sufficient to indicate that the person appointed to this position must meet these qualification requirements. Information about wages (in rubles or foreign currency) is not indicated in the job description.

What you should know, be able to do and what to be guided by

This section is of no practical value, but is traditionally indicated in all job descriptions. It is enough to mention in general terms that the employee must know the legislation (depending on the area of ​​activity), be able to apply it in practice, and that he is guided by the charter of the company, as well as the regulations of the general director.

Sample job description for Deputy General Director

Basic provisions

  1. The Deputy General Director is appointed to the position and dismissed from it by the appropriate order of the head of the enterprise.
  2. The Deputy General Director is directly subordinate to the head of the company.

The Deputy General Director must meet the following qualification standards:

  • completed higher education in economics or law;
  • 2 years of experience in management positions.

During the absence of the Deputy General Director, his functions are temporarily performed by another head of the company, about which the director issues a corresponding order.

The Deputy General Director is required to have knowledge in the following areas:

  • legislation regulating the activities of the company;
  • norms of regulatory authorities regulating processes of interaction with the company;
  • the basics of business document flow both within the company and in interaction with counterparties;
  • basic rules for analyzing the financial position of a company;
  • rules of business ethics and business negotiations;
  • standards for publication and analysis of quarterly and annual financial statements;
  • basics of marketing and advertising activities;
  • standards of modern management;
  • standards for concluding and executing contracts with counterparties;
  • internal documentation of the company, defining the main aspects of activities in its area of ​​responsibility;
  • management structure of the company;
  • planning the economic indicators of the company in the area of ​​their responsibility;
  • partners and contractors with whom the company has business relations;
  • personnel composition of the company and the scope of their business interests.

The Deputy General Director is guided by:

  • current regulations;
  • charter and other documents of the company;
  • provisions of this instruction.


The Deputy General Director is responsible for the following range of issues:

  1. Organization of labor processes of departments and employees of the company in the area of ​​their own competence.
  2. Conducting meetings and negotiations in your area of ​​responsibility.
  3. Review and endorsement of documents relevant to their duties.
  4. Monitoring relationships with the company's counterparties in the area of ​​their responsibility.
  5. Monitoring key financial indicators and preparing proposals for their improvement.
  6. Monitoring regulatory and legislative activities in the area of ​​responsibility.
  7. Coordination of control and audit activities in the area of ​​their responsibility.
  8. Tracking possible new partners both for the supply and purchase of goods and services.
  9. Providing information to subordinates about the orders of the company management.
  10. Monitoring the correctness of document flow in supervised departments.


The Deputy General Director may be held liable on the following grounds:

  1. For damage caused to the company due to his incompetent actions - in accordance with labor laws and the company’s charter.
  2. For disclosure of confidential data and failure to comply with the principles of security of internal information - within the limits determined by the relevant legislation.
  3. For incorrect performance of one's official functions - in accordance with the company's rules.
  4. For violations of current legislation - within the limits determined by the relevant articles of legislation.


The Deputy General Director is vested with the rights:

  1. Coordinate the personnel rotation process in your area of ​​responsibility.
  2. Organize monitoring and analysis procedures in supervised departments in order to submit proposals to the general director to improve the situation in the company.
  3. Demand that employees of managed departments comply with plans, instructions and other directives of management.
  4. Take part in meetings where key issues regarding the state of the company are discussed.
  5. Endorse documents within your responsibility.
  6. Represent the company and its management during business negotiations with partners and contractors, as well as in relations with regulatory authorities.
  7. Require company employees to provide the data necessary for the smooth performance of their functions.
  8. Require the company's management to create conditions for the performance of their functions.

Official connections

The Deputy General Director interacts with company employees on the following basis:

  1. With the head of personnel issues, organization of document flow, plans and interaction with other managers and external contractors within their competence.
  2. With other deputies, heads of departments and their subordinates in order to obtain the necessary data and build common work processes.
  3. With subordinates on issues of organizing work processes and achieving planned targets.
  4. With the financial director on issues of remuneration of subordinates, as well as on financial issues in his area of ​​competence.
  5. With the head of the HR department to select suitable employees.

Job responsibilities

The most important section of the instructions, because this is the employee’s job function. The job responsibilities of any deputy follow from:

  • the need to resolve the range of issues delegated to him by the General Director;
  • specifics of the activities of the units he supervises.

In addition, the position of deputy director is vested with organizational and administrative functions, and the employee’s labor function in this section focuses on the coordination and management of subordinate employees. If job responsibilities are being developed, it is recommended to use mostly verbs:

  • organizes;
  • coordinates;
  • manages;
  • controls;
  • provides;
  • takes action, etc.

For example, the first deputy director is obliged to:

  • coordinate the work of all departments in accordance with the goals and objectives that the enterprise faces;
  • take measures to ensure uninterrupted operation of production;
  • inform, and not hide from the general director, all shortcomings in the operation of production and its supply, take measures to eliminate the causes and conditions that may contribute to the downtime of the enterprise, etc.

In general, filling this section with specifics directly depends on the specifics of the company’s activities: if the main direction is production, then the section of responsibilities of the first deputy director of the organization will primarily consist of responsibilities for managing and ensuring the technical and production activities of the enterprise.

What guides the deputy director?

General rules and regulations:

  1. An employee is classified as a “ manager ”; it doesn’t matter whether it is an LLC, an individual entrepreneur or a state-owned company. institution.
  2. The deputy must report to his superiors - the director. A deputy is an assistant and representative of the director.
  3. Only the director can remove a deputy from his position and hire him to it.
  4. The deputy's experience in a leadership position must be at least 5 years , and training at a higher educational institution is also required.
  5. The order of the enterprise must state who will take over the work of the deputy in his absence.

Documents that the deputy can use in his work:

  • any regulatory documents if they relate to his work and activities;
  • regulations in the enterprise;
  • orders and instructions from superiors;
  • charter of the enterprise;
  • job description.

Deputy director's rights

This section of the job description indicates what rights the employee has to resolve everyday issues and implement his functional tasks. It is indicated what and from whom he can demand and in what form, to whom and what orders he is authorized to give. It is recommended to predominantly use verbs:

  • demand;
  • achieve;
  • realize;
  • make suggestions, etc.

For example, the Deputy Director for General Affairs has the right:

  • require that subordinate personnel strictly comply with the rules for working with information and documents containing personal data of employees;
  • manage subordinate departments at your own discretion, distribute the load between departments;
  • make proposals to the management of the organization on measures of moral and material encouragement for subordinate officials who achieve high results in their professional activities, etc.


It is indicated what the employee is responsible for:

  • for achieving specific indicators;
  • for the effectiveness and efficiency of the departments he supervises;
  • for failure to take appropriate measures;
  • for the safety of confidential information, etc.

For example, the Deputy General Director for Economic Activities is responsible for:

  • fulfillment of planned performance indicators of subordinate units;
  • the state of service discipline in subordinate units;
  • provision of timely reports to tax and other regulatory authorities in the area of ​​their activities, etc.

Working conditions

If there are features of the work schedule due to the functional responsibilities that the Deputy General Director must perform, the job description must necessarily provide for them. This means a variable schedule for work, business trips, etc. These prescribed features must fully comply with the requirements of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation and safety requirements when performing job duties.

Sample job description for Deputy General Director of LLC (2020)

The role of the deputy as a leader

The first deputy general director becomes a connecting element between the institutional manager and the rest of the workforce, which leaves an imprint on all his activities. He is obliged not only to inform employees of all orders and instructions from senior management, but also to ensure their implementation. For the director, his deputy is a feedback source to employees, informing them about problematic situations in the work of the company and the measures taken to solve them.

In addition to obligations, the following rights must be provided:

  • act as the face of the organization during negotiations within the scope of competence;
  • report violations to the CEO and suggest ways to neutralize them;
  • demand from the entire management staff of the enterprise compliance with organizational and technological rules, request from departments the documentation and data required to fulfill their job duties;
  • dispose and give instructions to subordinates in accordance with their powers, determine their functions and official responsibilities, participate in the development of orders, instructions, contracts and other documents.

Liability arises in case of negligence in one’s functions, violation of orders, approved instructions and rules.

Signing, approval, review and storage

Job description of deputy general directors in formal form:

  1. Signed by the developer (usually the head of the HR department) and approved by the head of the organization. Its sheets are stitched.
  2. When appointed to a position, the employee familiarizes himself with the provisions of his job description, confirms the fact of familiarization with a handwritten signature and receives a copy of the instructions in his hands. If necessary, he may be given advice from a lawyer or personnel officer.
  3. The job description is stored in accordance with the established procedure in the organization in the personnel department or accounting department.

Features of job description design

As practice shows, the owner of the company is directly involved in drawing up job descriptions for department heads. This responsibility may be delegated to members of the founding council or persons appointed to a management position. When drawing up a document, it is very important to involve an experienced lawyer who will help to correctly develop the structure of the act.

The fully completed instructions must be stitched in accordance with GOST and certified by the signature of the manager. It is important to pay attention to the fact that when hiring a new employee, the candidate must first familiarize himself with this document before signing the employment contract. Once a candidate for the position of vice president is approved, a copy of the job description is given to the hired employee. The original copy must be kept in the accounting department or in the office. Below is a sample order for appointment to the post of vice president:

The prospective deputy must have the ability to understand general economic issues and the provisions of tax legislation

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