Writing off office supplies and documenting them in accounting is an important process because
Violation of tax laws leads to fines and penalties. You can get a sanction for understating
Primary accounting documents Part 7 of Article 9 of the Federal Law of December 6, 2011 No. 402-FZ “On
Is maternity leave considered maternity leave? Parental leave is necessary
How are arrears and debt related? Usually in a conversation about debts to the budget these words
Registration of a manufacturing enterprise is the most important stage, which determines how much taxes you will pay
General list of taxes and mandatory payments from the payroll In accordance with Russian legislation, individual
Who is called to the commission Features of the selection of subjects are set out in the letter of the Federal Tax Service dated July 17, 2013 N
List of expensive cars for 2022 Every year no later than March 1, the Ministry of Industry and Trade publishes
Since 2022, the Federal Tax Service began requesting clarification from enterprises that pay wages to employees