To whom and how is a quota-based workplace provided?
The state, within the framework of social policy, strives to take care of categories of the population that are less protected
Reconciliation report - correct Excel 2022 form
Drawing up a Statement of Reconciliation of Mutual Settlements is usually necessary in the case when two legal entities need
What is the statute of limitations for transport tax?
The concept of the statute of limitations in taxation The tax statute of limitations is enshrined in paragraph 1 of Art. 113
sample of how to record disagreements on a reconciliation report
Act of reconciliation with disagreements: rules of preparation and sample
What is it used for? Typically, companies reconcile data for certain contracts or invoices for a specific
Tax certificates: what, why and how to get?
What information does the certificate of fulfillment of the obligation to pay taxes contain? This help will contain
How to divide income tax expenses into direct and indirect?
What expenses are considered direct? Art. 318 of the Tax Code refers to direct expenses: Costs,
Which departments require a 2-NDFL certificate?
New storage periods for accounting and tax accounting documents in 2022 in the organization
Is there an expiration date for the 2-NDFL certificate? In different life circumstances, a person needs to confirm
Is it possible to hire a part-time employee for a full salary?
What is a part-time job? As follows from the provisions of Article 282 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, a part-time job is
PBU 1/2008 “Accounting policies of the organization” (nuances)
PBU 1/2008 “Accounting policies of the organization” (nuances)
What is PBU “Accounting Policy” First, let us remember that the legal regulation of accounting (hereinafter referred to as
Unified form TORG-1 - Certificate of acceptance of goods
Unified form TORG-1 - Certificate of acceptance of goods
Certificate of acceptance of goods: own or unified form Until 2013, enterprises used unified
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