About legal entities
The activities of any commercial organization are aimed at obtaining economic benefits, which can be realized through
Are you switching from UTII? Connect Kontur.Accounting 45% discount in November: RUR 7,590 instead of 13
The exit of a founder from a non-profit organization, namely making changes to the Unified State Register of Legal Entities, is different from
A pilot project was launched in 2012, within the framework of which the Social Insurance Fund pays for sick leave
Negative net assets A negative scenario for a company that has not taken measures to overcome
On-site tax audit in 2022: list of features If you or your organization has become
The concept of the object of taxation Tax legislation assigns taxpayers the obligation to pay taxes. Today NK
The area of the trading floor under UTII: what is the limit for this special regime Direct formulation, what is
In our material today we will tell the reader about the procedure for deregistering UTII and
Why are tax breaks needed? It would seem that from the point of view of the state it is unprofitable to provide taxpayers with