Article 224 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation. Tax rates (current version) As indicated by the tax authority, income received
Of course, the organization is not obliged to use this particular form (Information of the Ministry of Finance No. PZ-10/2012). She can
Payments upon dismissal of one's own free will An employee has the right to resign of his own free will (Article 80
General information about the simplified tax system Chapter 26.3 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation is devoted to the procedure for applying the simplified tax system. To obtain
Reasons for requesting clarification from the tax inspector When conducting a desk audit, the tax inspector has the right to request written information from the organization
Differences between the procedure for relocating an employee and transferring to another position Transfer of a specialist involves a change in work performed
What fines are we talking about? A fine from the tax office is a punishment for breaking the law -
What is a tax deduction, why do you receive it? A tax deduction is a certain amount.
In this article we will look at accounting for returnable production waste. Let's find out what is considered waste.
What is the difference between vacation pay and sick pay in terms of personal income tax? In form 6-NDFL along with the usual