Who to appoint to the position
The best option would be a person who has already worked as a firefighter or in a similar position. These people are prepared and know what to do and what to watch out for. If there is no such person, then you can delegate responsibilities to any employee. The requirements for a candidate for the position are as follows:
- the employee must have at least 3 years of work experience in this organization;
- education - not lower than secondary technical, optimally - higher technical;
- the employee must undergo training in fire safety measures according to the fire-technical minimum program. The duration of training is at least 72 hours. In the process of work, such courses will have to be taken regularly, at least once every three years. In the case of production with an increased fire and explosion hazard, this must be done even more often - once a year;
- he should also undergo all necessary instructions;
- they must study the instructions of the person responsible for fire safety at the enterprise (this fact must be confirmed with a handwritten signature);
- Before appointment to a position, the employee’s consent must be obtained.
Those responsible for industrial safety are appointed and removed from the position by a separate order of the employer, with which the employee should be familiarized with his signature.
In small enterprises, one such employee is usually enough. In large cases, it may be necessary to prescribe several. Each worker is responsible for the area assigned to him. For this purpose, instructions are drawn up for the person responsible for fire safety of the premises. And the immediate supervisor becomes the person responsible for industrial safety. If there is only one employee in the organization, he reports directly to the employer.
Please note that according to the Letter of the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Emergency Situations for Moscow dated June 13, 2019 No. 3227-1-1-8, responsibility for fire safety can only be assigned to a company employee with whom an employment contract has been concluded. A person who works under a civil contract does not have the right to engage in such activities. Also, it cannot be entrusted to a person working under an outsourcing or outstaffing agreement, representatives of the capital’s Ministry of Emergency Situations emphasize. They argue their position as follows: the current regulatory legal documents do not focus on whether the person responsible for fire safety should have an employment relationship with the employer. However, a job description is developed for him, an appointment order is approved, and a specific work schedule is introduced, which demonstrates the existence of such a relationship. Since it is prohibited to enter into civil law contracts that actually regulate labor relations, only a full-time employee can be appointed responsible.
Sample job description for the person responsible for fire safety
The leaflet was developed on the basis of the Fire Regulations of the Russian Federation, set out in Government Decree No. 390 of 04/25/2012.
General provisions
Appointment to the position of OPB is confirmed by order of the general director.
Before becoming licensed, the applicant undergoes training and passes an exam in the scope of fire-technical standards. Reports directly to the head of the facility entrusted to him. In the process of work, fulfills the requirements of instructions and documents on fire protection and fire prevention. The specialist bears personal responsibility for the occurrence of a fire in the area entrusted to him. For the duration of vacation or illness, the OPB appoints by order another replacement employee who meets the established requirements.
Responsibilities: faces
The main functions of a specialist: organization, leadership, control. The last task is to supervise the implementation of fire safety regulations by employees and visitors of the company and compliance with the rules for handling flammable objects. The first two are the organization of training of employees in the rules of safe handling of fire and the management of practical actions of personnel in the direction of ensuring fire safety at enterprise facilities. Other responsibilities:
- Instruct employees in the minimum amount of safe fire handling techniques.
- Monitor the completeness of facilities with signs and signs: emergency telephone numbers, categories of buildings, rooms, evacuation routes, exits from premises.
- Check the condition of fire extinguishers, other standard means of extinguishing fires, alarm systems, water supply, and warning systems. Frequency of surveys: quarterly. Re-rolling of hoses - once a year, maintenance of fire mains - in spring and autumn. Drawing up acts is mandatory.
- Provide urgent notification to the Ministry of Emergency Situations and the director about cases of unplanned fire on the territory of the office or workshop. Save people using the powers given to you. If necessary, de-energize production, preserving emergency energy sources.
Before the fire department arrives, manage the fire extinguishing efforts, removing unauthorized workers from the danger zone. Involve employees in saving the company's property.
Rights of the OPB
Powers of the person responsible for fire safety: to remove from duty those persons who are not certified and do not know how to use fire extinguishers and tools for extinguishing fires. Present persistent violators to the director for punishment, and active assistants for encouragement.
The specialist has the right to use information about fire safety received from supervisory authorities and through the Ministry of Emergency Situations. He can suspend work if it is carried out in violation of the rules.
Responsibility of an official
Depending on the severity of the offense, disciplinary measures and administrative penalties are applied. A criminal case is initiated if violations result in the death of people.
The fire safety department is responsible for failure to comply with the duties, standards and fire safety rules provided for in the job description. Failure to use the rights granted to him by his position is punishable.
What you need to know
A complete list of what the person responsible for fire safety at an enterprise should know is regulated by:
- Federal Law dated December 21, 1994 (as amended on July 29, 2017) No. 69-FZ and dated July 22, 2008 (as amended on July 29, 2017) No. 123-FZ;
- Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated April 25, 2012 (as amended on December 30, 2017) No. 390;
- provisions of the Order of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia dated December 12, 2007 (as amended on June 22, 2010) No. 645;
- requirements of the Instructions for ensuring fire safety at the enterprise;
- job description of the person responsible for industrial safety and other legal acts relating to industrial safety.
When concluding a lease agreement, it is important to remember that unless otherwise stated, the tenant and the owner of the premises bear equal responsibility for fire safety.
The employee must know:
- what is included in the PB;
- how to provide first aid to victims;
- rules for safe work at the enterprise;
- how to protect an enterprise from fire and much more.
Who can be appointed to this position
If we reformulate this question, this is a person who is responsible for fire safety not only of individual premises, on the doors of which different names are often indicated, but in general for the entire building, buildings of enterprises, organizations, residential buildings in towns and cities.
The person responsible for fire safety for any intended objects, territories of populated areas, in Art. 38 FZ-69 is determined by the following list:
- Owners of real estate, property.
- Leadership of federal authorities and local self-government.
- Heads of enterprises, organizations, as well as persons who legally own, manage or use real estate and property. To the latter, incl. This also includes tenants who are responsible for compliance with fire safety regulations in premises and buildings rented by them for a certain period in accordance with contractual relations.
- Persons who, by order of the organization, are appointed responsible for compliance with industrial safety, as well as within the boundaries of their professional competence and responsibilities.
Tenants and tenants of apartments in buildings belonging to housing stock of different property and organizational subordination are also mentioned, unless otherwise provided by the relevant contractual obligations.
Based on this, we can conclude that representatives of federal and municipal authorities, owners of private residential buildings, and apartment owners are responsible for ensuring fire safety in populated areas
And for compliance with the fire safety regime on the land plots of enterprises, organizations, in all buildings located on them - the owners of the premises, managers, persons appointed by order and additional agreement in accordance with their professional responsibilities under the employment contract.
The PPR indicates that the head of a facility for any purpose must appoint an official responsible for fire safety, who will ensure compliance with fire safety requirements at the protected facility.
Taking into account the list of persons specified in Art. 38 of the Law on Fire Safety, he in no way relieves himself of full responsibility, but delegates part of his responsibilities and rights for organizing a set of fire prevention measures within the boundaries of the protected object, be it an administrative institution, production or public building.
Depending on the size of the object, there may be quite a lot of such officials, so that each of them is responsible for the entrusted area:
- For a structural unit.
- For a production site, workshop, warehouse.
- For the building.
- In the office, in the office.
The correctness of this approach has been tested by time, because the appointment of one person responsible for fire safety is acceptable only for premises that are small in size and area, number of employees at the facility, and for large enterprises and organizations - this will be simply a bureaucratic formality, understandable to everyone, since the performance of such duties without interruption from the main professional activity is impossible.
It is important that the law does not impose special requirements or restrictions on the candidacies of persons responsible for industrial safety, but common sense suggests, and practice recommends, facility managers choose them from the following circle of their subordinates and hired specialists:
- Having specialized education in the field of fire safety.
- Those with experience in performing such duties, incl. knowledgeable of laws and regulations.
- Those who thoroughly know the specifics of their business, be it control at a facility with the organization of trade, warehousing or industrial production, incl. with fire hazardous technological processes.
Therefore, the following are usually appointed responsible for fire safety at facilities:
- Heads of structural units - children's institutions, schools, hospitals, workshops, warehouses, production facilities.
- The main technical specialists are engineers, technologists, as well as electricians, power engineers, and mechanics.
- Safety engineers.
- Heads of offices and administrative groups.
- HR department employees.
- On-duty operational personnel at facilities with round-the-clock, shift work - from hotels to factories.
- Site security staff.
- Safety engineer.
The last option, as well as the creation of a group or service to ensure safety, is usually typical for large companies, manufacturing enterprises with particularly hazardous industries; logistics and warehouse complexes with a high fire load, incl. protected by corporate and private fire departments.
In addition, recently a new type of service has appeared - fire safety outsourcing, and those facility managers who do not want to waste their time, distract their subordinates from the main responsibilities, enter into contracts with organizations that perform the entire range of work - from training in fire safety measures to technical network service water supply, building protection systems.
Fire safety in the institution
Let's list what the person responsible for fire safety is responsible for and what actions he is required to perform:
- organize and conduct training events on food safety for employees;
- organize and conduct introductory and initial instructions on food safety;
- analyze the state of the enterprise's industrial safety;
- participate in identifying the causes of fires and establishing the amount of material damage;
- conduct an inspection of the condition of the enterprise territory and premises;
- assess the condition of emergency exits;
- assess the state of readiness of primary fire extinguishing means;
- maintain documentation establishing the industrial safety regime and draw up the necessary reports;
- conduct fire prevention propaganda;
- ensure that staff comply with the requirements of regulations in the field of industrial safety, etc.
In order for the responsibilities of the person responsible for fire safety in the organization to be fulfilled, they should be clearly stated. And it is necessary to organize intermediate control over the activities of the most responsible person. It can be carried out on the basis of a plan for a certain period equal to a quarter (monthly planning is not always effective, since the activities are global in nature). The development of the plan includes such items as monitoring the maintenance of journals, reporting, conducting briefings and classes with employees. The implementation of each item of the plan must be documented. This form of work organization will reveal shortcomings in a timely manner and will not allow the person responsible for fire safety to perform the job duties in bad faith. Moreover, the consequences of an irresponsible attitude to work for an employee are serious - from an administrative fine to prison.
In addition to the duties, the job description of the person responsible for fire safety provides for special rights. He can:
- remove from work employees who have not completed targeted training or do not have the appropriate knowledge of industrial safety;
- have access to information related to food security;
- make proposals to management regarding the modernization of the security system operating at the enterprise;
- organize inspections of ensuring and maintaining food safety in the organization’s divisions;
- demand from the personnel and the head of the enterprise full cooperation in the performance of duties;
- monitor the state of readiness of primary extinguishing agents;
- require department heads to provide information and necessary documentation on industrial safety.
It should be noted that a person responsible for fire safety can only be appointed with the written consent of the person charged with this responsibility. Separately, in the job description of the person responsible for fire safety, it is necessary to dwell on the issue of remuneration for the person responsible for fire safety. Obviously, if an enterprise has an entire fire safety service, then the employees of this service receive a salary for performing their duties. In the event that responsibility is assigned to an already working employee, then it is possible:
- the employee does not receive additional payment if he deals with fire safety issues during his working hours;
- the employee receives a percentage of the salary for his main position if he works part-time or his area of responsibility has increased.
Issues of payment or lack thereof must be reflected in the order appointing someone responsible for fire safety. Also, new responsibilities must be included as amendments to the employment contract.
III. Rights
A fire safety specialist has the right:
1. Request and receive the necessary information, as well as materials and documents related to issues of their activities.
2. Improve your qualifications, undergo retraining (retraining)
3. Take part in the discussion of issues included in his functional responsibilities.
4. Make suggestions and comments on how to improve activities in the assigned area of work.
5. Require the management of the organization to provide assistance, including ensuring organizational and technical conditions and execution of the established documents necessary for the performance of official duties.
6. Make independent decisions, guided by qualification requirements and job responsibilities.
7. Suspend, in whole or in part, the work of facilities, units, premises, and certain types of work when violations are identified that create a fire hazard and threaten the safety of people.
8. Issue instructions to eliminate identified violations of fire safety requirements to the heads of structural units of the protection object.
If violations of industrial safety requirements are detected, responsibility for this will be assigned not only to the employer, but also to the employee responsible for industrial safety. This instruction is contained in Part 1 of Art. 38 Federal Law dated December 21, 1994 No. 69-FZ. Therefore, job responsibilities should be performed at the proper level. And the amount of penalties for carelessness can be found in Art. 8.32, 11.16 Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation, parts 3-8 art. 20.4 Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation.
The issue of the need for a “Responsible for Fire Safety” sign, in accordance with Fire Regulations No. 390, is decided independently by the head of the organization. But we must be guided by the fact that clause 6 of Rule 390 specifies the requirement for the presence in warehouse, production, administrative and public premises of signs with a telephone number to call the fire department. Such signs are combined with the name of the person responsible for fire safety at the enterprise.