Orders on the appointment of a fire safety officer

Normative base

Federal Law of December 21, 1994 N 69-FZ “On Fire Safety”
Federal Law of July 22, 2008 N 123-FZ “Technical Regulations on Fire Safety Requirements”

Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of April 25, 2012 N 390 “On fire safety regime”

Order of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of the Russian Federation dated December 12, 2007 N 645 “On approval of fire safety standards “Training in fire safety measures for employees of organizations”

Order of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia dated February 24, 2009 N 91 “On approval of the form and procedure for registering a fire safety declaration”

The responsible person is primarily guided in his activities by:

  • Federal Laws No. 69-FZ dated December 21, 1994 and No. 123-FZ dated July 22, 2008;
  • Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated April 25, 2012 No. 390;
  • provisions of the Order of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia dated December 12, 2007 No. 645;
  • requirements of the Instructions for ensuring fire safety at the enterprise.

Who appoints the responsible person?

The head in accordance with Part 1 of Art. 38 of the Fire Safety Law bears unconditional responsibility for compliance with fire safety measures. This means that no additional documentation is required.

In this case, the manager has the right to appoint a responsible person who will carry out work aimed at fire safety from any structural unit of the organization. His functional responsibilities at his main place of work may not be related to this area. The change occurs on the basis of the relevant order.

An additional amount of work can be performed within working hours in a part-time mode or in free time from the main job in a part-time manner. In the first case, in addition to the order, you will need to draw up an additional agreement on part-time work, and in the second - an employment contract indicating the conditions of internal part-time work.

The organization must approve instructions on fire safety measures, which must include information about the person in charge.

Sample order for the appointment of a person responsible for fire safety at an enterprise

The requirements for the Instructions are given in Section XVIII of the Rules approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of April 25, 2012 No. 390, the main of which are:

  • procedure for maintaining the territory and evacuation routes;
  • the procedure for inspecting and closing production premises upon completion of work;
  • location of smoking areas;
  • frequency of cleaning of production premises;
  • responsibilities of personnel in case of fire.

Fire safety requirements (FS)

All operating organizations and individual entrepreneurs are required to take a whole range of measures to prevent fires or quickly extinguish them in the event of a fire in the premises they occupy: retail, industrial, warehouse and office.
The head of the organization is required to appoint one or more employees responsible for fire safety (clause 4 of the Fire Regulations in the Russian Federation, approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of April 25, 2012 No. 390). These should be trained specialists whose area of ​​responsibility includes evacuation of people, ensuring the safety and operability of fire-fighting equipment, access to emergency exits, as well as equipping the premises with special signs, an evacuation plan and other similar information that can help navigate in an emergency situation.

Until 2012, such mandatory information for placement in commercial and social premises included a sign “Responsible for fire safety in the organization”, which had to be placed in all premises of the company. This was stated in the PPB-01-03 that was in force at that time:

In all production, administrative, warehouse and other premises, signs indicating the employee responsible for fire safety must be located in visible places.

But in 2012, new PPB No. 390 was approved, which does not directly indicate the mandatory placement of such signs. True, no one relieved managers of the obligation to issue a special personnel order, conclude an additional agreement or employment contract with employees authorized to ensure fire safety measures in each organization.

Whether it is necessary to place information signs with the data of responsible persons and their telephone numbers is now decided by the heads of organizations and individual entrepreneurs themselves. And many of them still retain such information messages in their area of ​​responsibility. After all, all employees, visitors, as well as inspectors can immediately see who to contact on all questions related to fire safety, for example, who to get instructions from or get the key to the emergency exit. Therefore, we will carefully consider what the sign should be and how best to place it, because this does not require large expenses, but can bring tangible benefits. But first, let’s learn how to correctly appoint a responsible person whose data should be written on it.

Sample order for approval of fire safety instructions as amended in 2022

The instructions must identify persons (by position) who are responsible for:

  • notification of a fire;
  • organization of personnel evacuation;
  • functioning of automatic fire extinguishing and warning systems;
  • fire safety by department, etc.

Specific (named) responsible persons are appointed, as a rule, in each division by separate orders for the organization.

Are signs needed?

According to the previously valid PPB-01-03, each enterprise had to place special signs with information about the person responsible for fire safety (FS). There is an indication of this in part 16 of clause 753 of PPB-01-03: “In all production, administrative, warehouse and other premises, signs indicating the employee responsible for fire safety must be located in visible places.”

After the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated April 25, 2012 No. 390 (as amended on December 30, 2017) “On the fire safety regime” was adopted (together with the Fire Safety Regulations in the Russian Federation), the need for hanging such signs disappeared. Now the director of the organization is obliged to:

  • in accordance with clause 4 of Rules No. 390, appoint a person responsible for fire safety in the company, who will ensure compliance with fire safety requirements;
  • in accordance with paragraph 462 of Rules No. 390, issue a separate order on his appointment.

Thus, PPB No. 390 does not contain any requirements for signs.

On the other hand, staff in many organizations are accustomed to the fact that information about the employee responsible for industrial safety can always be found in a visible place. This is especially convenient in large companies where not all workers know each other personally. In this case, the issue of the need for signs is decided by the head of the enterprise independently.

Sample of a standard order for the appointment of a person responsible for fire safety as amended in 2022

In accordance with paragraph 3 of the Fire Safety Rules, approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of April 25, 2012 No. 390, employees of enterprises and organizations are allowed to work only after undergoing training in fire fighting measures.

For this purpose, the organization issues an order to conduct fire safety training, which determines the procedure, timing of training and the person responsible for maintaining the appropriate log recording the results of the training.

Before issuing an order

Before issuing an order to appoint a person responsible for fire safety, a special training course . A certificate, certificate or other document confirming the fact of completion of training must be attached to the order. It should be noted that such documents are valid for no more than five years, so from time to time the employee will have to be sent for recertification at the expense of the organization.

Filling out the first part

The order on the person responsible for fire safety has a completely standard form from the point of view of office work.

  • At the top of the document the word “ Order ” and its number according to internal document flow are written. The line below indicates the locality in which this order is issued, as well as the date of its creation (in numbers or in words).
  • Next is a link to the legislation of the Russian Federation, in accordance with which the document is being developed, briefly the essence of the order and for what purposes it was created.
  • The full name of the enterprise issuing the document is also entered here, indicating its organizational and legal form (CJSC, OJSC, LLC, Individual Entrepreneur) and the address where the building is located, in which the appointed responsible employee will be responsible for fire safety.

The next part of the order contains more detailed information.

  • First, here again you need to write the name of the enterprise and its address, as well as the position, surname, first name and patronymic (without abbreviations) of the responsible person.
  • Then a detailed list of his responsibilities is indicated, each of which should be written down in a separate paragraph.

Filling out the second part

Finally, you need to appoint someone responsible for monitoring the execution of this order, i.e. indicate the position, last name, first name and patronymic of the employee. After entering this information, the order must be signed by the head, as well as the seal of the organization. If the organization has a trade union, then it must be noted.

Sample order for training

Training is carried out in the form of briefing and studying the fire-technical minimum. Only a trained person who has undergone special training at an educational institution, passed an exam and received documents authorizing him to conduct classes with employees and take an exam on their knowledge of the theoretical foundations and practical skills of fire fighting can train enterprise personnel.

After completing training and testing of knowledge, personnel can be allowed to work independently.

Regulatory basis for fire safety orders

Managers develop and provide fire safety measures in accordance with the Law of December 21, 1994 N 69-FZ “On Fire Safety”. This normative act underlies the organization of the necessary events.

There is also Federal Law dated July 22, 2008 N 123-FZ “Technical Regulations on Fire Safety Requirements,” which describes the principles of its provision, basic concepts and requirements for specific production facilities.

The main basis for issuing an order to appoint someone responsible for fire safety is paragraph 4 of the “Fire Regulations in the Russian Federation”, which are approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of April 25, 2012 N 390 “On the Fire Regulations”. This resolution states that management appoints a responsible person who ensures compliance with fire safety requirements at a specific facility.


Fire technical minimum

Mandatory training for the manager and those responsible for fire safety once every 3 years in accordance with Order of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of the Russian Federation of December 12, 2007 N 645.

Get knowledge and certification for 3 years.

2200 ₽


Fire safety documents

We will prepare for you a complete package of fire safety documents, taking into account the characteristics of your facility, in accordance with all regulatory requirements.

from 9900 ₽

Professional retraining

Fire prevention specialist

As a “second higher education” for specialists in occupational safety, industrial safety, civil defense and emergency situations according to the professional standard of Order of the Ministry of Labor of Russia dated October 28, 2014 N 814n

Get knowledge and a diploma with the right to conduct a new type of professional activity.

37000 ₽


Sample fire declaration form

The declaration must be submitted in relation to:

  • buildings of kindergartens and schools;
  • homes for the disabled and elderly (non-apartment type);
  • hospitals;
  • buildings of boarding schools and children's organizations;
  • industrial buildings with an area of ​​over 1500 meters.

The declaration is submitted to the territorial fire supervision authorities in accordance with the notification procedure. When submitting a declaration, you don’t have to be afraid that upon receiving it, an inspector will immediately come running to you and find some kind of violation. The time will come, the inspector will still appear and find something. This is his job. But for failure to submit a declaration, financial liability is provided in the amount of:

  • up to 5,000 rubles - for failure to fulfill obligations to provide the necessary information to the competent authorities (Article 19.7 of the Administrative Code);
  • up to 200,000 rubles - for violating fire safety rules (Article 20.4 of the Administrative Code).

Responsibilities and rights of the person responsible for fire safety

The person responsible for observing and ensuring fire safety, upon assuming this position, acquires both responsibilities and rights:

  • The only person responsible for fire safety in the organization has general responsibilities, then he has to be responsible for everything - from conducting briefings to monitoring the organization of write-offs and disposal of fire extinguishers.
  • In addition, you will have to maintain all reporting documentation, sign work permits for hot work; monitor the service life (shelf life) of fire extinguishers, the state of active and passive fire protection of buildings; develop fire evacuation plans; prepare for inspections with the participation of representatives of the State Fire Service and participate in them, monitoring the progress of eliminating identified violations of fire safety rules.
  • The functional responsibilities of a responsible manager who understands the complexity and scale of tasks to properly ensure the fire safety regime must be distributed among leading specialists, engineering, logistics services; leaving control, organization of document flow, and training of employees to the main person in charge.
  • The rights that a specialist responsible for industrial safety has are not much different from the duties of representing the organization in all instances; check structural divisions and branches at any time; suspend work if gross violations are detected; require facility managers at all levels of subordination to comply with safety measures.

The only pleasant privilege is the opportunity to petition for incentives for members of the fire department and other workers who actively contribute to maintaining the proper fire safety regime, as opposed to making proposals to punish those responsible for gross violations and non-compliance with fire safety regulations.

Form and content

Signs with information about the person responsible are placed in the organization by decision of the manager. It contains information about:

  • FULL NAME. fire safety worker;
  • his contact phone number.

Signs are made in compliance with the requirements of GOST 12.4.026-2015. The signs must be:

  • rectangular shape;
  • white with bright edging;
  • with an inscription, a column for entering your full name. employee and contact phone number.

The dimensions of the “Responsible for Fire Safety” sign are 100x200 mm.

Requirements for the plate

Let's consider a sample of the “Responsible for Fire Safety” sign (GOST R 12.4.026-2001).

We see that the details of the responsible employee need to be entered into it:

  • surname, first name, patronymic;
  • job title;
  • phone number.

There is no need to provide any other information. According to the approved GOST, the dimensions of the “Responsible for Fire Safety” sign must be 100×200 mm. The appearance of this information stand is designed to attract the eye. In the prescribed form it has:

  • bright red trim around the edges;
  • red inscriptions on a white background;
  • field for entering employee data and his phone number;
  • information about telephone number 01, where to call in case of fire.

You can make such stands yourself by simply printing them out and laminating them. Then, instead of entering employee data by hand, it can be typed on a computer. Where the “Responsible for Fire Safety” sign is hung, each organization decides independently. It is advisable to do this in visible places, close to emergency exits that may need to be opened urgently during evacuation. You can also place this information on a special stand dedicated to industrial safety.

Every company manager should remember that although no one is now punished for the absence of such a sign, it may be necessary when it comes to emergency measures. Therefore, it is advisable to spend a little time making it and placing it in a visible place.

Purpose of the table sign

It is recommended to display a “Responsible for Fire Safety” sign in all production, administrative and warehouse facilities; you can buy it along with other auxiliary signs in a specialized store. This category includes signs and stickers that inform company personnel and clients about the algorithm of actions in the event of an emergency.

Information should be presented briefly - all coordinates are indicated by 1-3 lines. Signs of those responsible for fire safety in the premises are located in visible places. They may be combined with a sign displaying fire department telephone numbers.

A stand displaying information about those responsible in the field of fire safety at specific work sites has not lost its relevance in large enterprises. Such signs solve the problem of promptly alerting security authorities within the company. Benefits of using the table “Responsible for Fire Safety”:

  • Without distraction from the work process, staff are provided with information about contact information that can be used in the event of an emergency;
  • if a fire is detected, the information will be promptly transferred to the person in charge, who will be able to assess the scale of the problem and coordinate the actions of all departments of the enterprise;
  • “Responsible for fire safety” - a sign that can be downloaded for free, can create conditions for minimizing the risk of loss of life (this is achieved through the active intervention in the evacuation process and the organization of fire extinguishing by the responsible official).

In small enterprises, areas of responsibility are distributed among a narrow circle of employees. Everyone knows who to contact in a specific situation. Under these conditions, the “Responsible for Fire Safety” sign, the sample of which is not unified, can be converted into a sign informing about emergency numbers.

It is impossible to achieve such an effect within a large institution. The staff is constantly updated, communication between members of the workforce does not extend beyond the boundaries of internal departments. Regular briefings and trainings do not record in a person’s memory information about who is responsible for fire safety in the organization; a sign eliminates this problem.

How to appoint a person responsible for fire safety

The employee responsible for fire safety (plate, can be downloaded at the end of the article) must have the required level of training. It is given by the fire safety training course according to the fire-technical minimum program. The validity period of such training is 3 years in ordinary organizations and only 1 year in enterprises associated with an increased fire and explosion hazard.

There may be more than one person responsible for industrial safety in an organization: the number of such employees depends on the number of employees and the scope of the company’s activities. The manager must issue an order on the appointment of each such employee, as required by PPB No. 390. This document is drawn up in any form and may look, for example, like this:

If the company is small, the director can take on this function. Then he will have to personally instruct all new employees on industrial safety, and also enter his data into the notorious tablets. This must be indicated in the employment contract of the employee appointed as the occupational safety representative. If the appointment occurred later than the conclusion of the employment contract, it is necessary to conclude an additional agreement specifying all the employee’s responsibilities. An employee can combine these functions with his main job or perform them separately as a staff member.

Where to place

Information is placed within the visibility of the employees for whom it is intended. Information should be clearly visible, but not distract attention and prevent employees from performing their duties.

If it is placed on the front door, its effect extends to the entire area of ​​the building. The perception of information in visual mode should not depend on the position of the doors.

If the material from which the sign is made does not glow, it should only be used in sufficient light.

A sample sign Responsible for fire safety according to GOST is allowed to be secured with screws, glue, and other reliable methods.

Thus, despite the fact that there is no requirement to have a sign with information, it is still advisable for the head of any institution to post the information in a publicly accessible place.

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