What does line 1240 of the balance sheet consist of?
Line 1240 of the balance sheet: financial investments (except for cash equivalents) Purpose of the article: summarizing the available information
How to confirm the VAT benefit in section 7 - compiling a register of documents
When and how to confirm VAT benefits in 2021 For VAT benefits
What does accounts receivable consist of on the balance sheet?
What is accounts receivable? The work of any organization is associated with the occurrence of debt. She comes in two
Recommendation R-62/2015-KPR “Reflection of facts of economic life based on primary accounting documents received in the next reporting period”
What is an account? Every business company is created for the purpose of making a profit. At the same time she
Rice. 1. Application to the employer for changes
How to make changes to a work book about changing your full name: samples and examples
The work book is the main document about the length of service. The main document of the employee confirming his work experience and
Receipt for receipt of TC for a deceased relative
Sample receipt for receiving a work book in hand in 2022
As evidenced by the RF PP No. 225 dated April 16, 2003 (actual edition dated March 25, 2013), the work book
Instructions: how to receive compensation for sick leave from the Social Insurance Fund
The Social Insurance Fund reimburses expenses to policyholders in regions where a pilot payment project is not yet in effect.
How can an individual entrepreneur obtain an income certificate?
Instructions: how to confirm self-employment and income
To obtain a bank loan, register with an employment center, and assign various benefits
new S-09-3-1 sample filling 2021
Registration of a separate division in 2022 - step-by-step instructions
What is a separate division? For companies that have decided to expand their commercial interests,
UPD universal transfer
UTD: what is it, what does it include and why is it needed - the status of a universal transfer document, how to fill it out
In this article we will understand what it is - a universal or unified gear
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