About legal entities
Check the availability of the form in the personal list of Rosstat Form 1 - not all business entities submit it.
How to calculate payments on a calculator Calculating income tax is one of the most difficult
Liquidation commission After the decision to terminate the activities of the organization, the founders (participants) appoint a liquidation commission (liquidator)
Report on form No. 1-T (professional) Rosstat systematically updates reporting forms. Almost none
Manually There are two ways. The first is to print the form and enter the data in the boxes from
Sign in the 2-NDFL certificate The sign in the 2-NDFL certificate shows who (the tax agent or his
The patent system (remember the abbreviation PSN) is one of the special regimes for entrepreneurs. In contrast
Features of the calculation work It is necessary to pay a fee if the enterprise has negative impacts on the surrounding air
Why are fee payer tariff codes needed? The codes in question are recorded in
Tax authorities require full reporting from all business entities, including individual