Composition of the inventory commission: who is included - tasks, types, requirements and procedure for its registration during inventory

There is no subjunctive mood in accounting, so it is important to know exactly all its features and legal requirements. For example, who is included in the working inventory commission at an enterprise according to the law, what types are there, whether financially responsible persons are included there or not, whether it is necessary to write in the order about the creation of a permanent or temporary group of inspectors. All these are relevant issues necessary for maintaining transparent accounting and monitoring the intended use of company assets.

Composition of a group of workers for inventory

At each enterprise, the manager is free to independently choose the people who will take part in the process. These can be not only people holding administrative positions directly related to the field of accounting and auditing, but also any technical specialists: engineers, technicians, mechanics, cleaners, janitors and others.

The selection criterion may be the competence of a particular employee in a certain field and the need to create separate groups to check the various property of the organization:

  • fixed assets;
  • intangible assets;
  • financial investments;
  • material values;
  • goods;
  • calculations.

From the above, it becomes clear that even unqualified personnel can count the number of desks, equipment and calculators in the administrative building. And to carry out professional accounting of financial investments, you need qualified workers who are competent in this field.

There are no legal requirements for the composition of the inventory commission (except for the minimum participation of 2 people without the MOL) and its number. Therefore, each manager independently determines how many people will take part in the process. This depends on the volume of work, as well as the number of staff. There is no point in using all the personnel in a small production; 2-3 workers will be enough. For large companies it is advisable to increase this number.

It is better to begin the formation with the approval of the chairman. Usually they are the chief accountant, deputy manager, auditor or other administrative personnel knowledgeable in the economic part of the work.

Next, if necessary, the groups are divided into sections; for each, 2-3 people from the staff are selected who will organize the inspection. If there are few employees, then there is no need to separate them from the production process, and the composition of the commission can be reduced.

It is worth remembering that in accordance with clause 2.3 of the Methodological Instructions approved. By Order of the Ministry of Finance dated June 13, 1995 N 49, if one of the members did not appear at the specified time and refused to bear the burden of responsibility, then the results can be challenged in court, and the inventory itself is not considered legitimate.


"08" August 2014№ 36


On amendments to order No. 17 of April 25, 2014

“On approval of the composition of the certification commission”

In connection with the dismissal of chief engineer Kurochkin S.P. order:

To amend the director’s order dated April 25, 2014 No. 17 “On approval of the composition of the certification commission,” namely, to exclude the chief engineer S.P. Kurochkin from the certification commission. and include the chief accountant Karpova A.Yu.

CEOV.T. Sokolovsky

As already indicated in the previous example, if there is a need, then control over the timely and complete execution of the order is assigned to a specific employee.

The following sample order for the creation of a commission is available for download (doc format, 3 documents in one file).

Are financially responsible persons included?

Also, when forming the commission structure, it is necessary to take into account the interest of individual employees. Responsible employees are interested in ensuring that no serious violations or shortcomings are identified as a result. Therefore, they cannot be included in the list, but they must be present during the process and ensure that the staff takes their responsibilities responsibly, without missing important details. This is regulated by clauses 2.3, 2.8 of the Methodological Instructions, approved. By Order of the Ministry of Finance dated June 13, 1995 N 49. If such employees are included in the commission, its results can be challenged in court.

Nuances of the work of the competition commission under 44-FZ

The commission's decision is considered legal if at least half of its participants are present at the meeting. Therefore, the chairman must promptly inform all members of the place, date and time of the meeting. Part 8 art. 39 of Law 44-FZ prohibits making decisions using absentee voting or delegating powers to third parties.

If the commission makes a decision that conflicts with the provisions of the law on public procurement, any bidder has the right to appeal it by contacting the responsible control body, as specified in Part 9 of Art. 39. The procedure for such actions is also fixed by law 44-FZ. The decision will no longer be valid.

According to the norms of Part 2.1 of Art. 39 44-FZ, the specifics of creating a competition commission for the procurement of specialized depository services and management of pension savings funds are regulated by another law. In this case, Art. 19 of Law 111-FZ of July 24, 2002 “On investing funds to finance the funded part of the labor pension in the Russian Federation.”

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Certification for partners

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Requirements for commission members

There are mandatory requirements for members of the procurement body.

Firstly, this is the number of members of the quotation commission - at least five people (Part 3 of Article 39 of 44-FZ). For the quotation council, the minimum number of specialists is three.

Secondly, the level of qualifications of employees. Half of the members (at least two people) are employees who have undergone professional retraining and advanced training in the field of government procurement (Part 5 of Article 39 of 44-FZ, letter of the Ministry of Economic Development No. OG-D28-10399 dated 08/29/2016). Persons with specialized knowledge and specialization in the purchased object are allowed.

Objectives and requirements

Among the main goals that are set:

  • preparation and provision of holding on the appointed date;
  • checking the correctness of the results;
  • identifying the validity of the proposed offsets for regrading;
  • making proposals on the procedure for resolving shortages;
  • control of information accuracy;
  • If violations are detected during the process, a re-inspection is initiated.

In addition to the main goals and objectives, those who are members of the inventory commission should be aware of other responsibilities within the competence of the inspectors:

  • the initiative for unscheduled audits, if necessary, falls on the members of the permanent group;
  • taking measures to ensure the safety and integrity of assets, as well as their area of ​​responsibility;
  • instructing workers.

Requirements include:

  • obtaining documentation necessary for control, including the latest expenditure and receipt papers;
  • ensuring the accuracy and completeness of the data entered in the inventory;
  • checking for inaccuracies and errors before completing the procedure.

Before starting work, the commission must find out whether the enterprises have an alarm system or guarded premises, check the location of all safes and other cabinets for valuables, and find out whether the storage of material assets complies with the relevant regulations and legislation.

When conducting inventories, be sure to enter the data in full, without making mistakes, typos or any inaccuracies. You should also check this upon completion. It is also important to be present at all stages, to participate in the preparation of the final report and to sign in the appropriate column of the audit result.

Formation order

A collegial purchasing body is created before the start of procurement. The contracting organization creates a procurement commission for all orders of the institution, for each tender separately or even by type of procedure - for an auction, competition, requests for quotations and proposals. If the purchases planned in the organization are of a general nature and do not require employees to have specific knowledge and skills about the items being tendered, a single purchasing group is created.

The customer is obliged to take into account all legislative standards - on the number and composition, level of qualifications and subject training of all its members (Article 39 44-FZ). If you violate the conditions when creating a procurement body, then all its decisions will subsequently be declared invalid.

The advisory purchasing group is formed only by order of the management of the customer organization. The initial decision to create a commission is made by the customer before the start of procurement and is issued in the form of a special decree. The leader issues an order appointing all members and listing their responsibilities.

Normative base

The process of checking a company's assets and liabilities is part of industrial accounting. Therefore, the main provisions on the conduct are contained in the relevant legislative act, Part 3 of Art. 11 of the Law of December 6, 2011 No. 402. It specifies the timing, frequency, and what should be included in the procedure.

There are several more resolutions that prescribe legislative norms:

  1. Regulations of the Ministry of Finance dated July 29, 1998 No. 34n.
  2. Guidelines for inventory, Ministry of Finance dated June 13, 1995 No. 49.
  3. Art. 21 of the Law of December 6, 2011 No. 402-FZ.

The basic provisions on how, when and by whom it should be carried out are contained in Manual No. 49. However, other regulations cannot be ignored; what is prescribed in any law is strictly followed.

Responsibilities of the commission

The duties and functions of the qualification commission are approved in the relevant local Regulations. She conducts an initial test of theoretical knowledge, which is prescribed by the ETKS in the sections “Characteristics of work” and “Must know” of the category for which the employee is applying.

During the practical part of the exam, the worker performs trial work that corresponds to the level of declared qualifications and meets the requirements of ETKS, professional standards and job descriptions. They are indicated in the sections “Examples of work” or “Characteristics of work”, and demonstrate knowledge within the requirements of professional characteristics and training programs.

As trial works, those that are typical for a given enterprise are selected, correspond to certain parameters, the level of declared qualifications, and production standards adopted at the enterprise. The full procedure for the work of the qualification commission when considering a candidate is prescribed in the local Regulations of the enterprise.

Who should not be included

According to legal requirements, employees included in the document should not be financially responsible persons. However, it is very difficult for companies with a small staff to fulfill this requirement. Especially when the number of workers is up to 10-20 people. And at each site there are at least 2 inspectors. There is a small digression, especially for such cases.

Each inspection area is controlled by representatives of services that are not specifically responsible for it, but they must be present. For example, the production manager cannot check his site, but it is quite acceptable for him to participate in the commission to control payments to customers.

Types of commissions

Law No. 44-FZ defines several types of commissions. The composition of the commission depends on the type of purchase carried out by the customer:

— unified (works with all procurement methods, number of members – at least 5 people);

— competitive (at least 5 people);

— auction (at least 5 people);

— quotation (at least 3 people);

— a commission for reviewing applications for participation in the request for proposals and final proposals (at least 3 people).

A commission of any type can be created for a specific procurement procedure, a series of procurements,

Sample order for inventory

It is fundamental for inventory activities. He has a strict INV-22 form, deviation from which is unacceptable. Both the head of a structural unit and the main department can initiate. It will be stored in the accounting department of the branch or head office, depending on who initiated it.

According to the order, control can be carried out both throughout the company and in its individual sections. The header indicates OKPO and the name of the unit. If you need to check several branches, then a separate document must be drawn up for each of them.

Be sure to indicate:

  • name and address of the organization;
  • object of control (settlements with customers, tangible assets, intangible assets, etc.);
  • start and end date of the procedure;
  • reason;
  • the date when it is required to be submitted to the accounting department;
  • position, surname and initials of the person requiring verification.

After preparing the paper, the serial number must be entered in the journal using the INV-23 form, the results using the INV-22. Responsible people, the chairman and at least one staff member are registered.

Commission work procedure

The procedure for the commission’s work is determined by the customer and is fixed in an internal regulatory document when creating the commission. Such a document could be, for example, a commission regulation. It seems appropriate to include the following sections in the commission regulations:

1) The purpose of the creation and tasks of the commission’s activities

The purpose of creating a commission is to identify suppliers (contractors, performers), with the exception of purchasing from a single supplier (contractor, performer). The objectives of the commission are to comply with all principles of the contract system when identifying suppliers, namely: openness and transparency, ensuring competition, customer professionalism, stimulating innovation, unity of the contract system in the field of procurement, responsibility for the effectiveness of meeting state and municipal needs, and the efficiency of procurement.

2) Composition of the commission and procedure for forming the commission

The composition of the commission is the number and list of commission members, including the chairman and members of the commission with special functions, for example, the deputy chairman of the commission.

The composition of the commission may be increased by the customer, but cannot be less than the minimum established by Law No. 44-FZ (see above). It should be noted that it is not advisable to increase the number of commission members, because, firstly, it will be difficult to assemble a quorum, and, secondly, a larger number of persons may be subject to administrative liability for an unlawful decision from the position of the FAS Russia.

The procedure for forming a commission is the requirements for who needs to be included in its composition. In addition to the requirements of Law No. 44-FZ (persons with special education, persons in creative professions, etc.), the customer, at its discretion, determines additional requirements for qualifications, numerical and personal composition of the commission.

3) Organization of the commission’s activities

In this section, you need to indicate how the commission will work, for example, to whom it will report (directly to the head of the customer, his deputy or the head of another structural unit), whether other divisions must comply with the requirements of the commission members, whether they can (are obligated) to participate in the activities of the commission invited persons (for example, contract service employees/contract managers, members of working groups, department employees, etc.).

Separately, it is necessary to specify the procedure for replacing absent members of the commission, for example: in the absence of the chairman of the commission, his functions are performed by the deputy/any other member of the commission present. The replacement procedure must be established for each member of the commission vested with special functions. It is also necessary to describe the procedure for notifying commission members about the next meeting. In accordance with Part 8 of Art. 39 of Law No. 44-FZ, this function is performed by the chairman.

4) Functions of the commission

This section specifies functions in accordance with Law No. 44-FZ.

5) Rights and obligations of the commission, the procedure for interaction with the customer’s structural divisions

This section specifies the rights and responsibilities of commission members. For example, the right, when performing their functions, to contact various structural divisions of the customer, to involve specialists from these divisions in their work, in cases specified by Law No. 44-FZ, to involve independent experts, etc. Responsibilities may include, for example, informing the supervising manager or the customer’s manager about the possibility of a conflict of interest, about the refusal of other customer employees to provide the necessary information to the commission (if the commission has the right to demand this), etc.

6) Documentary support for the activities of the commission

In this section, for example, standard forms of documents necessary for the activities of the commission may be presented, the timing and place of transfer of documents to the archive, etc. may be indicated.

7) Responsibility of commission members

In such a section, you can include a detailed list of articles of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation with the amounts of fines, or limit yourself to the general phrase “in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation.”

The list of these sections is recommended and can be changed and supplemented in accordance with the wishes of a particular customer. If you are interested in preparing a regulation on the commission for the needs of your organization and are afraid of making mistakes when drafting it, including in terms of assigning functions to commission members that cannot be transferred to them in accordance with Law No. 44-FZ, the Procurement and Sales Center “Zakon” .guru" is ready to provide support in this matter and develop the necessary documents. To do this, you just need to apply here.

The commission regulations are approved and put into effect in the manner established by the customer’s local regulations.

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Who is on the inventory committee?

According to the law, absolutely any employees can be included in the number of inspectors, except those who are directly financially responsible for valuables. If the number includes MOLs, then the procedure can be declared invalid due to the presence of violations. In case of litigation, judicial practice will cancel the event and it will have to be held again, eliminating all the shortcomings.

The initiating party, in fact, the director of the enterprise himself should not be a member. If, besides him, no one is on the staff, third-party auditors are involved who provide outsourcing services.

Accountants, economists, and administration employees are usually appointed to the position of chairman. And among other members are any employees.

The essence of the order

The procurement activities of each customer are carried out with the help of a specially created commission.
Its tasks include control over the implementation of competitive government procurement procedures. The procurement bodies (PB) include at least five people, each of whom needs to receive specialized education or undergo professional retraining (advanced training) in the field of public procurement. The main condition is that among the members of the purchasing department there are specialists with certain skills and competencies that help in identifying suppliers (Part 5 of Article 39 of 44-FZ).

The activities of the Land Code are regulated by Article 39 of Federal Law No. 44. In the process of their work, members of the Contracting Committee are guided by the Civil and Budget Codes, current legislation in the field of procurement and other by-laws.

Before the start of procurement, the manager appoints members of the procurement committee in a special order. The format and content of the order are not fixed in the current regulations. The customer independently decides which provisions to include in the decree. Be sure to secure the following points:

  • type of protection;
  • position and full name members of the purchasing department.

Responsibility for the formation of administrative documents in many organizations lies with the contract manager. The head of the institution approves the order.

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Creation of a single commission

All competitive orders require an advisory purchasing body to make the final decisions. A single procurement commission is created in those procedures that do not require special knowledge and specific skills in the subject of procurement.

The rules for creating a single procurement body are simple and do not depend on the type of government order:

  • composed of at least five people (three for requesting quotes);
  • all actions and functionality of employees are regulated by administrative documents (orders);
  • the structure and level of training of members comply with legal requirements;
  • replacement of a commission member is allowed only by decision of the customer;
  • additional work instructions are reflected in orders or regulations.

Sample order for the creation of an inventory commission

In order to control the company’s assets and liabilities, it is necessary not only to initiate an inventory in accordance with the INV-22 form established by law, but also to appoint inspectors by a separate order. The designation document must be created at the same time as or shortly before the order of conduct. It is entered in the journal in accordance with the serial number. It will be necessary to specify whether these persons will carry out control measures of financial and economic activities on an ongoing basis or on a one-time basis.

The form of this paper is not established by law, so its development falls entirely on the shoulders of the company. You can use ready-made templates as a basis, one example of which we will attach below.

The inventory commission created on the basis of the director’s order, the composition and procedure for its formation are practically not regulated by law. The document only needs to indicate:

  • name and form of ownership of the enterprise;
  • serial number of the order;
  • the regulatory framework in accordance with which those responsible are appointed;
  • the duration of the commission’s activities (on an ongoing basis or for a specific date);
  • list of employees;
  • responsibilities;
  • position and initials of the person responsible for execution;
  • Full name and signature of the initiator.

When the document is drawn up, it is necessary for employees to read it and sign it. After entering into the journal, store it in the accounting department along with the order to conduct the audit.

How to approve a body under 223-FZ

Document the decision to create a commission body by order. There is no official form, draw up a document in free form. We recommend that you include the following information:

  • type and purpose of creation - indicate whether you are creating a single body for all or only for certain procurements, for example, an order to create a commission body for competitive procedures or an order to create a commission for procurement in the construction industry;
  • personal composition;
  • cases and procedure for changing the composition;
  • the period for which a new body is created.

from ConsultantPlus

About the author of this article

Dmitry Sidaev Higher and specialized education in procurement: KhSUEP, diploma with honors in the specialty “Jurisprudence” and GAPM named after. N.P. Pastukhova, diploma with honors in the program “Procurement Management”. Author and ideological inspirer of the projects “GoodWin Project: Tenders made simple” and “Antidote 44-FZ: a cure for headaches in procurement.” Trains in procurement under 44-FZ, advises suppliers and customers, works as a guest manager of the tender department. Invited expert in many projects on public procurement.

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Sample order on the creation of inventory working commissions for accounting areas

At large enterprises there is a need to form several groups of inventory takers. It must be taken into account that financially responsible persons in a specific area of ​​accounting cannot be inspectors, but must be present during the inventory. In this case, it is necessary to replace one or more employees with those who are not interested in the results.

For example, inspection of a production area is carried out by administrative workers so that shop floor employees are not included, and vice versa.

The procedure itself is not very different from the usual creation of an order, the only exception is that it is necessary to clearly delimit the zones, and also assign inspectors in accordance with each. This can be done in table format or simply signed in separate paragraphs. There is no clear established template; the development of the document falls entirely on the company’s managers.

Required data:

  • name and form of economic activity;
  • order number;
  • the regulatory framework in accordance with which those responsible are appointed;
  • period of commission activity (on an ongoing basis or for full verification);
  • list of employees included in the composition for each individual area of ​​​​responsibility (tangible assets, intangible assets, settlements with customers, etc.);
  • responsibilities;
  • position and initials of the person responsible for executing the order;
  • Full name and signature of the initiator.

Each participant must read the document and sign before starting work. If one of the members cannot appear before the start to fulfill the obligations assigned to him, then an additional order should be issued to replace him.

What issues are regulated by the labor protection commission (knowledge testing)?

The purpose of creating the internal corporate structure under consideration is obvious based on its name - it is established by the company’s management to test the knowledge acquired by employees in the field of occupational safety as part of training in certain programs.

The explanations of a specialist from the Department of Social Development of the Government of the Russian Federation, P.S. Sergeev, will help you draw up a training program on labor protection. Get trial access to K+ and find out what the expert said about this document.

The members of the commission in question must be:

  • the head of the employing company, heads of departments in which knowledge testing is carried out;
  • hired employees responsible for labor protection.

Representatives of trade unions can also be involved in the work of the structure under consideration. The positions of chairman, deputy chairman, secretary, as well as ordinary members are distributed among the commission members.

Sample order on the creation of inventory working commissions for settlements with accountables

This is another area that should be checked in order to maximize the economic performance of the enterprise. The need is due to control of the intended use of company funds. During the procedure, accountable funds allocated for work are identified, as well as the presence or absence of reports for their use within the specified time frame.

The object of verification in this case will be:

  • the presence or absence of cash receipts, if funds were issued for the purchase of material assets;
  • travel slips, orders and certificates, advance report;
  • reconciliation of data with existing financial statements.

It is formalized in the same way as the creation of working commissions for accounting areas. However, the corresponding column will indicate not objects, but persons who need to be monitored for the intended use of advance funds. Inspectors may be appointed to inspect a group of such employees or for each individual at the discretion of management. Accordingly, the regulatory framework on the basis of which the inventory will be carried out is changing.

The rest of the paperwork remains the same.

Responsibilities of the competition commission under 44-FZ

Competition commission under 44-FZ:

  • Checks procurement participants for compliance with the requirements imposed on them, which are fixed by the legislation of the Russian Federation and procurement regulations.
  • Excludes applicants from participating in tenders in situations prescribed by the legislation of the Russian Federation, a resolution of the Russian Federation or other procurement documentation.
  • Does not assist the customer, authorized service, or specialized institution in carrying out scheduled and unscheduled inspections. The latter allow you to control how accurately the commission complies with the norms of the legislation of the Russian Federation and other regulatory documents.
  • Refuses to conduct negotiations with participants in public procurement before it begins or during the procedure itself. The only exceptions are cases recorded by the legislation and regulations of the Russian Federation.

How often should an inventory of property and liabilities be taken?

By order of the manager, an inspection can be organized at any time as needed. However, the law provides for mandatory cases:

  • Before drawing up accounting reports, except for areas inspected before October 1 of the current year, it is permissible to inventory assets up to 3 times every 12 months.
  • When changing the MOL, in the presence of a representative who also takes responsibility for the safety of funds, only one area within the competence is controlled.
  • If there is a fact of theft or suspicion of it.
  • After a fire, flood, or other emergency.
  • During liquidation and reorganization.


There are also restrictions on membership. According to the law on the Federal Contract System, the following cannot be members of the procurement commission (Part 6, Article 39 of 44-FZ):

  • spouses and close relatives of the management of the procurement participant;
  • interested parties - employees on the participant’s staff, or people who have applied to participate in a specific order;
  • persons influenced by procurement participants;
  • officials of the control body who exercise control over procurement activities;
  • experts who previously assessed the competition documents: documentation, pre-qualification applications of participants, compliance of participants with additional requirements.
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