Account 80 “Authorized capital” Account 80 “Authorized capital” is intended to summarize information about the state
Regulatory framework for primary documents To reflect any business transaction in accounting it is necessary
Accounts receivable is one of the most significant indicators of financial statements. The write-off of accounts receivable is preceded by a large
Which legal acts to rely on when drawing up a job description for a payroll accountant? It should be noted
Form OS-2. Invoice for internal movement of fixed assets When transferring property related to fixed assets
Form T-60 is standard and in official language is called a note-calculation on granting leave to an employee.
Inventory: what is it in accounting? First, let's understand concepts such as
Reserve capital is a part of the enterprise’s property, made up of retained earnings and carrying out insurance
What forms to use in your work Law No. 402-FZ “On Accounting” provides for the right to choose economic
Who are taxpayers? Taxpayers mean organizations and individuals who are required to pay taxes in