How to work with research and development work in the field of state defense procurement: features of implementation and accounting
Accounting for other expenses Expenses not directly mentioned in paragraph 2 of Article 262 of the Tax Code
Accounting for subscriptions to periodicals in “1C:BGU 8” (Part 1)
Accounting for subscription costs In accordance with Article 2 of Law No. 176-FZ, users of postal services
On the procedure for maintaining records when carrying out activities within the framework of a simple partnership agreement
A simple partnership (SP) is formed on the basis of an agreement. This is the form of the subject to which special
Chart of accounts. Account 10 “Materials”
Let's start with the name Account 10 "Materials", in accordance with Instruction 94n, is used to reflect
Material damage to the employer: compensation and tax consequences
Economic disputes and violation of contractual obligations by counterparties may give rise to litigation. Claims from regulatory authorities
FSBU-2020: new federal standards and features of their application
L. V. Sologubova author of the article, consultant to Askon on accounting and taxation in budgetary
Accounting for financial investments - PBU 19/02
Financial investments in an enterprise - what is it? Financial investments are money or property invested
What are operating accounts in accounting?
The company incurs various types of expenses to ensure its own functioning. Not all of them have a direct connection
Account 59: creation of reserves for depreciation of securities. Example, wiring
What applies to financial investments When taking into account this category of available assets, economic entities rely
What is other income in accounting?
What is included in other income? Accounting for other income is regulated by PBU 9/99 “Income of the organization” (approved.
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