Without an application - no documents Before we talk about how a copy of the work document is certified
At every accounting forum, the topic of not closing the 20th account has been repeatedly raised. The thing is,
Unfortunately, many organizations obligated to pay appropriate taxes to the state treasury are far from
The concept of the beneficial owner of a company The beneficiary is represented by an individual or company that participates in the operation process
The fact that the Russian tax code provides for the opportunity to work under several tax regimes at once,
Material reserves in budgetary institutions - what is it and how is account 105 C formed?
Business entities operating on the territory of the Russian Federation have the right to terminate the obligations of the parties using
Why is it necessary? Every person from the category of the working-age population of the country has at least once, and even encountered
Two types of liquidation balance sheets The procedure for liquidating a company takes a lot of time and effort. Not required
The act of revaluation of goods is drawn up according to the sample, if it is necessary to revaluate or discount certain commodity items.