Filling out form P-2 invest in 2022 (nuances)
What is this form and who is required to submit it? Form of annual statistical report on
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When it becomes necessary to adjust Situations in which it is necessary to adjust amounts after delivery, in
Certificate of absence from work - Sample and form 2022
What is considered absenteeism? According to the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, absenteeism is the absence of an employee from the workplace
Certificate of residence of a legal entity - how to obtain
Who are tax residents? These are legal entities and individuals who are required to pay tax on
Changing the legal address of an LLC through the personal account of the Federal Tax Service with a 1C-Reporting certificate
Unified State Register of Legal Entities: general information The Unified State Register of Legal Entities (USRLE) is a database containing
Northern allowance in the Far North 2021-2022
Supplement for citizens who have not reached the age of 30. Until 2005, there was an additional benefit for
Federal, state and local taxes in 2022
Federal taxes and fees In accordance with Art. 12 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation, federal taxes and
All-Russian classifier of units of measurement - OKEI: purpose, structure, latest amendments
International units of measurement included in the ESKK Code Name of the unit of measurement Symbol Code letter
Accounting for currency transactions (PBU, postings)
Currency transactions in accounting in 2022 In accordance with the above PBU in
Fine for late submission of a declaration: examples of calculations and postings
General provisions Filing tax reports is the main responsibility of every taxpayer. Besides that
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