About legal entities
What is an income statement? This is a form that is part of the financial statements along with
Non-cash mutual settlements with counterparties carried out on the basis of concluded transactions and contracts; payment of taxes
How does KBK KBK stand for - the budget classification codes KBK of organizations necessary for the payment to be received
Fill out online through the Federal Tax Service Fill out online through State Services Fill out online through the Personal Income Tax Service Fill out
Who and when can claim a property deduction? A property deduction is a tax-established
What information will be posted online? In the Transparent Business service, the data specified will be available
The balance sheet is one of the main and most important purely accounting documents, which is
What documents are needed for an income tax refund for treatment? Declaration 3-NDFL, application for deduction,
Reporting 2-TP (waste) - annual statistical reporting, which indicates information on the management of
How does KBK KBK stand for - the budget classification codes KBK of organizations necessary for the payment to be received