About legal entities
What does this code mean? Tax identification number is a unique code consisting of 12
In Russia, citizens have many different forms of government support. Here you can count not only
Login to your personal account In an attempt to change life for the better, active citizens go to
How to calculate VAT from an amount How to calculate VAT from an amount? It's not difficult: you just need
Hello, Vasily Zhdanov is here, in this article we will look at the non-current assets of an enterprise. Balance sheet prepared
Form Surely everyone understands that the oral form of any agreement does not give it legal force.
When transferring any payment to the country's budget, you must indicate the UIN. If this code is correct,
What are active and passive accounting accounts? Simply put, active financial accounting accounts
Form 6-NDFL was introduced in 2016, but still raises questions about its
Property deductions are provided for individuals; this type of benefit is regulated by the provisions of Art. 220 NK