About legal entities
Who submits Form 1-Services Form 1-Services is used by everyone who provides paid services to the population.
If the statute of limitations on receivables has expired, then such debt can be considered
“Uproshchenets” is a tax agent for VAT. Companies using the simplified tax system are exempt from the duties of a VAT payer,
UTII (single tax on imputed income, or “imputation”) is a system of taxation of certain types
Without primary documents, the fact of delivery cannot be proven. The company filed a lawsuit for
Do you know how many federal laws are in force in Russia? Five thousand! And amendments to them
Legal basis of the issue The main legislative acts that should be used are: Tax Code of the Russian Federation. Except
Import of goods Situation: how to fill out a purchase book when importing goods? When importing goods, fill in
BLITZ! K1 is a federal coefficient, updated annually. The value for 2022 is 2.005.
In many ways, the authorities have already simplified the task of taxpayers - more and more services are provided by municipal and