Instructions: how to make an entry in the work book about renaming a position

Reasons for renaming a position

Information about work in a position according to the staffing table is included in the employment agreement with the employee (Article 57 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation).
The name of the staff position is one of the mandatory conditions of the agreement, and the position itself is included in the staffing table of the enterprise. IMPORTANT!

The employer has the opportunity to rename the position without changing the employee's job function. Renaming is allowed only if there is an agreement between the parties to the employment contract, which is drawn up in writing (Article 72 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation).

Employers unilaterally rename the name in accordance with Art. 74 Labor Code of the Russian Federation. The reason for adjustments is production needs, updates in processes, and company structure. The name and staffing table are adjusted in accordance with the needs of the organization.

To record changes in the work book, renaming should be carried out in accordance with legal requirements:

  1. Develop a rationale for the reasons for the renaming.
  2. Notify the employee in writing of changes at least 2 months in advance.
  3. If there is agreement, draw up and sign by both parties an additional agreement to the contract with the employee.
  4. Approve the administrative document for the institution with the new job title. Indicate in it the justification for the renaming.
  5. Enter information into the employee’s personal card.
  6. Record the data in the work book.

Sample filling

“The title of position “A” from DD.MM.YYYY has been changed to “B”” - this recording format is suitable for the case when a personnel officer renames the position occupied by an employee. If there is a change in the scope of a citizen’s duties, then a transfer takes place, which entails the need to enter the following information into the work book: “Transferred from position “A” to position “B” from DD.MM.YYYY.” All entries should be made according to the rules given earlier in the article, putting serial numbers at the beginning of the line.

How to record a position rename

Entering information into the work book is regulated by Decree of the Ministry of Labor of Russia dated October 10, 2003 No. 69. The instructions contain the basic rules for registration:

  1. Enter information using a blue, purple or black pen. Use a ballpoint or gel pen.
  2. Information is entered in chronological order. The elements are numbered.
  3. Crossing out or correcting data is prohibited. Incorrectly entered information is invalidated, canceled and the correct wording is added.
  4. The employee is introduced to each item that is included in the document, subject to signature.

Information is entered if an administrative document for the institution has been issued. The deadline for registration of name adjustment is one week from the moment the order is registered. The content is similar to the wording of the local act.

To formalize the renaming, the employer selects the “Job Information” section and enters information about the renaming into it in the following order:

Step 1. In column 1, indicate the number of information in order.

Step 2. In column 2 “Date” enter information about the day/month/year of registration.

Step 3. In column 3 - information about the name, similar to the order for the organization. This is what a sample entry in a work book and renaming a position looks like:

Step 4. In column 4, makes a reference to the administrative document approving the changes.

Rules for filling out work books: general provisions

Separate points regarding filling out work books are contained in the Labor Code of the Russian Federation (hereinafter referred to as the Labor Code of the Russian Federation), however, the main body of rules is provided for by a special act of the Ministry of Labor dated October 10, 2003 No. 69. It consists of 7 sections describing the correct entry of information about the employee himself , work performed, remuneration paid, dismissal and termination of the contract, hiring, transfers. Also, the above resolution reveals the features of maintaining a duplicate. Among the general provisions, the following, the most important, can be identified:

  • All dates are entered digitally in the format DD.MM.YYYY.
  • Writing is allowed only in black, blue or purple color, waterproof paste.
  • It is forbidden to abbreviate any words.
  • Erroneous lines cannot be crossed out. A new entry should be made, starting with the number and invalidity of the relevant information, and then provide the correct information.

More general rules for maintaining and moving the document in question are provided for in Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated April 16, 2003 No. 225. These include, for example, the procedure for establishing and producing books, mandatory familiarization with all changes to the employee, making entries about non-working periods (training, service in the armed forces). forces). There are also provisions here that duplicate the previously discussed legal act, but there are no contradictions between them.

What to do if you made a mistake

In accordance with the instructions for filling out work books (Resolution of the Ministry of Labor of the Russian Federation No. 69), crossing out errors or covering up incorrect information is prohibited.

Correcting incorrect wording in the “Work Information” section should be done as follows:

  1. Indicate the next sequential number after the last entry.
  2. In column 3, enter the phrase “The entry for number such and such is invalid.”
  3. Enter correct information.
  4. In column 4, include information about the date and number of the administrative document, information from which was entered with errors (or the administrative document on the basis of which the error is corrected).

This is what a sample entry in a work record about a change in position looks like with the correction of an error:

Changing the name of a structural unit

Here, in a similar way, the question arises about maintaining or changing the scope of responsibilities of employees when correcting the name of a department, service, branch or other division of the company. In the first case, you will have to act according to the described renaming path, and in the second, as during translation.

The registration of the mark will be very similar to the entry in the work book when renaming a position:

  • “Department “A1” with DD.MM.YYYY has been renamed to department “B1”” (for renaming).
  • “With DD.MM.YYYY transferred from position “A” of department “A1” to position “B” of department “B1”” (for transfer).

Design rules

Based on the requirements established in the Instructions for filling out work books, the renaming of a position should be done as follows:

  • It is allowed to make a record of renaming a position only if only its name changes, and the staffing position of the unit is maintained in terms of the list of job responsibilities , as well as in terms of the salary level. If the list of job responsibilities changes, or the level of remuneration within the framework of remuneration changes, then there can be no talk of renaming the position - there will be a transfer to another position within one division or to another division (even if it has only changed its name);
  • entering information into the work book that the employee’s position has been renamed is only possible if the employee was previously notified of such a change (the form of notification has no role, but it would be preferable to notify in writing so that the employee signs on the sheet familiarization);
  • fixing the change made is possible only if we are talking about issuing a corresponding order or other legal act confirming the renaming of one or more positions.

If all of the listed rules are fully observed, then the implemented actions to rename the position will be considered legally legal and cannot be challenged by the employee.

Renaming a position and recording it in the work book

“Personnel officer. ru", 2010, N 12

Question: The structure of our organization is changing - a new division is being introduced (current account, address, manager remain the same). For example, an employee was the head of the supply department, but becomes simply a supply manager (at the same time, he is not demoted, and his job responsibilities, salary and place of work do not change). This is simply a renaming of the position. What entry needs to be made in the work book? If I write “the position has been renamed,” then the employee may understand this as a transfer, i.e., a demotion.

Answer: Based on Part 2 of Art. 57 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, the condition on the labor function (work according to the position in accordance with the staffing table, profession, specialty indicating qualifications; specific type of work assigned) is mandatory for inclusion in the employment contract. Consequently, a change in the name of a position must be reflected in the staffing table, the employment contract (an additional agreement is concluded between the parties in accordance with the standards set out in Article 72 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation) and the employee’s personal card.

According to the Instructions for the use and completion of forms of primary accounting documentation for the accounting of labor and its payment, approved. By Decree of the State Statistics Committee of Russia dated January 5, 2004 N 1, changes to the staffing table are made in accordance with the order of the head of the organization or a person authorized by him to do so. The employees affected by them must be made aware of these changes. When signing an additional agreement to an employment contract with an employee whose position is being renamed, it is first necessary to explain to him that this procedure only entails a change in the title of the position, while the function and salary originally specified in the employment contract remain the same. This is the difference from a transfer to another job within the organization (as confirmation, you can provide unchanged functional responsibilities in the job description, staffing table indicating the previous salary, etc.). At the same time, you should stock up on strong evidence that changing the job title will not lead to a demotion, since the concepts of “head of supply department” and “supply manager” still differ significantly.

As for making an entry in the work book, clause 3.1 of the Instructions for filling out work books, approved. Resolution of the Ministry of Labor of Russia dated October 10, 2003 N 69, stipulates that changes and additions to the organization’s staffing table are brought to the attention of employees, and only after that are recorded in their work books (see example).


An example of an entry in a work book about renaming a position

Information about the work of TC N 1234567

N entries date Information about hiring, transfer to another permanent job, qualifications, dismissal (indicating reasons and reference to the article, clause of the law) Name, date and number of the document on the basis of which the entry was made
number month year
1 2 3 4
Closed joint stock
Society "Trud-N"
(CJSC Trud-N)
6 08 11 2009 Admitted to the department Order from
supplies for the post 08.12.2009 N 37-k
head of department
7 07 10 2010 Position "Head" Order from
supply department" 07.10.2010 N 60
renamed to
"Purchasing Manager"

E. Roshchupkina


National Union of Personnel Officers

Signed for seal


How to correctly change the last name, first name, patronymic of an employee in the work book?

There are also cases when it is necessary to change the employee’s personal data in the labor office. Most often, this happens when a woman’s surname is changed after a woman’s marriage or after a divorce. All rules for changing data are described in paragraph No. 26 of the Rules for filling out work books. Changes must be reflected on the first page, that is, on the title page of the work book. This is done quite simply: cross out the previous name or other data that is subject to change with one line, and then write down the new data.

In this case, it is important to make a link in the work book to a document that confirms the accuracy of the new data about the employee. This entry is made on the inside cover of the document, and it must be certified by the employer’s signature and the organization’s seal. Only if all the above requirements are met, the recording is considered reliable.

There are also cases when an employee comes to get a job in an organization, but mistakes were made in his work record. This cannot be ignored, and some believe that it is necessary to make changes to records similar to how changes are made to employee data. However, it's not that simple. If such a situation arises, the employee must first go to court in order to have this work book recognized as belonging to him and not to someone else.

Why are positions renamed?

A change in the title of a particular position can occur for various reasons. For example:

  • due to the greater euphony of the new name - for the purpose of non-material incentives for the employee (instead of a cleaner - a territory cleaning manager or a cleaning specialist);
  • due to better correspondence of the new designation to the essence of the work performed (sales consultant or salesperson-cashier instead of just a salesperson).

It happens that a name change occurs due to its obsolescence, for example, for historical reasons the names of such professions as “doctor” were changed to doctor, “attorney” to lawyer, “barber” to hairdresser, etc.

Information contained in the labor

The work book of every citizen of the Russian Federation contains information about him, such as last name, first name, patronymic, date of birth, profession, education, specialty. If any data changes, it must be registered in the work book. It is filled out upon first employment in the HR department or by a specially appointed employee and is then maintained throughout the employee’s entire career.

Also, the work book must contain all the information about what advanced training courses the employee took and during what period of time this happened. All these requirements are specified in the Rules on the Work Book - a document that HR department employees must know well.

When first starting a job, HR officers must enter all the necessary information about the employee. This information is entered from employee identification documents such as a birth certificate, passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation, diploma and other educational documents.

All entries must be made without errors. This is very important, otherwise the document may be declared invalid. It is also very important to have a seal and signature. If, however, some inaccuracies or errors are made, then corrections must be made in a manner strictly defined by law, only in this case the changes can be recognized as valid.

If it is necessary to make changes to entries in the work book, you must be guided by the Rules for maintaining and storing work books.

There are some nuances of filling out work books, which are strictly regulated by legal norms. For example, all dates must be written exclusively in Arabic numerals. So, the date February 18, 2012 will look like this: 02/18/2012.

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