The difference between an effective contract and an employment contract was ordered by the President of the Russian Federation in 2012 by decree No.
The concept of cash discipline Cash discipline of a company or entrepreneur is the procedure for conducting transactions with
Features of dismissal of a part-time worker at his own request The law allows a citizen, in addition to his main place of work, to get a job
Hello, Vasily Zhdanov is here, in this article we will look at the operating profit of an enterprise. In economic theory
USN, OSNO, PSN, NPD, Unified Agricultural Tax: for some this is a meaningless set of letters, but
The calculation of 6-NDFL has changed significantly. Now, as an appendix, there is a certificate of income
From time to time, organizations have to part with employees. They can leave their place of work at their own request,
Why carry out debt reconciliation Reconciliation of debts and correction of errors are necessary for conducting an internal audit.
What is the difference between an advance and an advance payment? The difference between an advance and an advance payment is the ability to determine
Why tax authorities don’t like losses The main task of inspectors is to collect taxes to replenish the budget.