Accounting for gratuitous financial assistance from the founder of the company in “1C: Accounting 8”
Financial assistance from the founder is treated differently in accounting and tax accounting. Why and how exactly
Application for reconciliation of settlements with the Social Insurance Fund
Reconciliation report with the Social Insurance Fund: how to submit an application and its sample
Joint reconciliation of settlements with the Social Insurance Fund Sometimes there is a need to reconcile the information that is available to
Order on the organization of military registration: sample
Military registration in an organization - step-by-step instructions 2022
Organization of military registration and its purpose Military registration is a system of techniques and methods,
How to reflect the December salary paid in January 2022 in the new 6-NDFL calculation?
What is 6-NDFL? You must report for withheld and transferred personal income tax. To do this, every quarter
production cost accounting scheme
Accounting for finished products in accounting: postings 43 and 40 accounts, examples, nuances
Production accounting, along with financial accounting, is an integral part of management accounting. Production accounting deals with transactions
Changes in paper UPD/UCD from 07/01/2021 according to Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation N 534
UPD form and its application Federal Law No. 402-FZ “On Accounting” has simplified the forms
inventory of intangible assets
Inventory of intangible assets: procedure, reflection of results, documentation
In this article we will look at the procedure for conducting an inventory of intangible assets, and briefly understand the legal
List of medicines for tax deduction in 2022 - 2022
Is there a deduction for medicines? A tax deduction for medicines is provided in accordance with subparagraph.
Certificate of verification of cash in the cash register according to the KM-9 form
Why do we need a cash verification report? Periodically, cash in
Inventory label. Unified form No. INV-2
Procedure for conducting an inventory In order to conduct an inventory, the director of the company issues an appropriate order. IN
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