Account 40 in accounting to reflect production output. Account 40 is used to record
The obligation of organizations using transport or providing transport services to issue waybills is stipulated
Regulatory framework Federal Law of December 25, 2018 N 481-FZ “On Amendments to Article 1
Own working capital in our life Own working capital - this term is not typical
In cases where the earned remuneration is not transferred to the employee’s bank card by non-cash method,
Taxation systems for organizations Organizations for tax purposes use one of the systems established by the Tax Code of the Russian Federation.
Account 63 Account 63 reflects turnover and balances on transactions related to
VAT on advances received from the supplier Let's consider the situation with VAT when the buyer transferred the advance
Let's say you have a restaurant, but you decide to sell bar equipment. When changing types
Accounting for deferred income is considered when income is not de jure included.