Who must submit a report on financial results The legislation determines that accounting is
Rosstat - official website Rosstat is the federal state statistics service. The activities of this federal body
Purchasing goods for the principal: algorithm for re-issuing an invoice When purchasing goods for the principal, the chain of interaction
Leasing, rent and credit: what is the difference? Renting equipment is also a solution to the problem. But
Non-semi-finished method of accounting In the non-semi-finished method, a product manufactured as a result of a separate stage of the production process
Fixed assets in budget accounting - 2020-2021: introductory information In accordance with clause 21
Inventory of goods in a warehouse is a check to clarify data about the goods stored in it.
Accounts receivable is one of the most significant indicators of financial statements. The write-off of accounts receivable is preceded by a large
An order on the right to sign primary documents is written in cases where the head of the enterprise has
Formation of the initial cost of a fixed asset The procedure for accounting for fixed assets (FPE) is regulated by PBU 6/01 (approved