Account 76 is used to distribute finances between creditors and debtors. There are more than
Benefit for registering a pregnant woman 2022 If the expectant mother registers with
Labor activity in the Federal Tax Service falls under the category of public service. The structure's activities are aimed
What is an agency agreement An agency agreement is a form of intermediary agreement in which the customer instructs
November 25, 2018 Accounting Yulia Abdulbarova Depreciation is one of the most popular accounting terms.
From mid-2022, organizations and individual entrepreneurs will be able to transfer a single tax payment to the budget.
In the process of reflecting the facts of economic activity and preparing primary documents, each accountant needs to form
Wages (employee remuneration) - remuneration for work depending on the qualifications of the employee,
Investor Dictionary IIS - individual investment account. Type of brokerage account for long-term investments with
Inventory of goods in a warehouse is a check to clarify data about the goods stored in it.