Instructions: fill out an application to the Social Insurance Fund for reimbursement of benefits
General rules in 2022 The key responsibility of all policyholders is timely accrual and payment
Customs inspection - procedure, types and timing
Hello! In this article we will talk about customs checks. Today you will learn: When is customs clearance carried out?
Certificate of turnover on current account
How to submit a request to the tax office about open current accounts - a sample application for obtaining a certificate
Features of the procedure In order not to waste time and effort, it is better to study the rules for obtaining in advance
How is a request made under Article 93.1 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation?
Requesting tax documents during an audit: answers to questions
Article 93 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation: who is it for? All tax payers (and from 2022
6-NDFL for 2020: form and sample
Current form of form 6-NDFL in 2022: download
New in 6-NDFL from 2022 The last time we will fill out the current 6-NDFL form
How to prepare an annual report of a joint stock company
Composition of the annual financial statements The composition of the annual financial statements is fully regulated by Art. 14 of the Law “On
What reports can be used to find errors in 6-NDFL in 1C
All employers are required to submit a 6-NDFL report quarterly. Despite the fact that in 2022
Form T-5 Order (instruction) on transfer to another job
During the period of work at the enterprise, its employees can be transferred from one position to another.
All successful desk audits are similar to each other, each unsuccessful one is bizarre in its own way
In modern fiscal realities, desk audit has been turned into the main form of tax control - and
Sample petition to reduce a fine to the tax office
What are they punished for? A fine is one of the types of sanctions applied by tax authorities to violators
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