sample documents on personal data
Policy for processing personal data in local acts of the organization
Current laws in the field of labor law and the protection of confidential information require regulation of work with
Sheet 02 Appendix 2. Non-operating expenses in the income tax return
Is it possible to take into account non-operating expenses that are not mentioned in paragraph 1 of Art. 265
Where is the EAEU Commodity Classification for Foreign Economic Activity indicated in the ESF?
10 questions about filling out invoices that the Ministry of Finance recently answered
Question 1. How to fill out the “Government Contract ID” field? Most recently, it was added to the invoice
tangible non-current assets are
How to reflect fixed assets on the balance sheet
What property is classified as fixed assets when reflected in the balance sheet? Accounting rules for this category
re-registration of cash register when changing legal entity
Re-registration of cash registers: how to correctly re-register an online cash register to another legal address, rules for re-registration of cash register equipment
Running a business is a complex process that involves solving many different problems. Including in
The procedure for calculating tax according to the simplified tax system “income” in 2022 - 2022 (6%)
How to calculate the simplified tax system “income” To calculate the simplified tax system tax, the taxpayer who has selected the object “income” should
Sample application for issuance of a work book
Registration of a work book for the first time in 2022: answers to all questions
We'll tell you whether you need a paper work book when applying for a job in 2022, and
Corrective report SZV-STAZH: how to make and submit
How to correct errors in SZV-STAZH There are three types of correction forms: corrective (KORR); canceling (OTMN);
SZV-M for September 2020: form and sample
SZV-M reporting: step-by-step instructions for filling out
Updated form From May 30, the resolution of the Pension Fund Board of April 15, 2021 No.
what is VNP
Conducting an on-site tax audit: procedure for carrying out the procedure - what is checked and how often it should be carried out
In the current realities, conducting an on-site audit as a form of tax control is a real scourge
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