About legal entities
You can find out the TIN from your passport for yourself and another individual. Checking TIN number
Companies that carefully analyze partners most often work in areas such as finance, IT,
What are the income and deduction codes for personal income tax in 2022:? Table with codes and
Tax deduction codes: table description Let's consider frequently used tax deduction codes when filling out a certificate
Account 05 “Depreciation of intangible assets” is used to account for accrued depreciation on intangible assets. Depreciation of intangible assets
Unified forms of accounting sheets The Labor Code of the Russian Federation (Article 91) establishes the employer’s obligation to keep records
From 2022, sick leave benefits will be transferred to direct payments from the Social Insurance Fund. The government will change
Individual entrepreneurs are currently actively using the Federal Tax Service, which has been providing online services since 2012.
Average number of employees: general procedure and calculation formula When calculating the average number of employees, you should be guided by
Why do you need a 3-NDFL certificate? A 3-NDFL tax return is a report that taxpayers fill out when