About legal entities
May is a month with long weekends. Let's see how many days off awaits us in
Income tax is the main payment for large and medium-sized businesses, as well as parts
To receive an extract with digital signature from the Unified State Register of Legal Entities, you do not need to go to the MFC or
In your FSS personal account you can receive various social insurance services of the Russian Fund. All insured
Everyone has heard about VAT. Even if you are not involved in business and do not maintain accounting
How to provide a social deduction to an employee To provide a social deduction, the accountant must receive from the employee:
Balance sheet - what is it? An accounting balance sheet is a tabular version of reflecting financial
We recently held a webinar on Clerk where we talked about tax risks for companies.
When is it worth checking partners on the website of the Russian Tax Inspectorate? The need to check counterparties is caused by various
Rosstat - official website Rosstat is the federal state statistics service. The activities of this federal body