About legal entities
For what reasons does a job description most often change? This document is usually formed immediately after
To be eligible for pension, health care and social benefits, an individual, immediately after
Unique payment identifier - what is it? What is it for? These are the most frequently asked questions
For small businesses in Russia there are several preferential taxation systems with low rates. Usually
An individual - an individual entrepreneur can perform some functions of a legal entity. He has the right
An NPO is a legal entity that can be created and exist in different organizational and legal forms (OLF).
Deadlines for submitting 6-NDFL Calculation of 6-NDFL is submitted by all tax agents at the end of each quarter. IN
What payments are due upon dismissal? The Labor Code of the Russian Federation establishes three ways to terminate employment contracts: by
Individual entrepreneurs who have chosen the general taxation system as a tax regime must pay three
Procedure for calculating VAT Calculating tax is simple. According to Chapter 21 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation, the amount payable