Employee Personnel Number and Rehire

Employees of enterprises and organizations do not always come across such a concept as a personnel number. Moreover, ordinary workers may simply not even know about its existence. But HR department specialists are required to keep personnel records. And this is only part of personnel records management, which is a real science that has its own laws, rules and procedures. At the same time, the section on personnel numbers occupies a rather significant place in it, although not entirely official.

What is a personnel number

As is already clear from the name itself, in fact, a personnel number is a special digital code for an employee. It is assigned to a person from the moment he begins to perform his job duties. Personnel numbers are not repeated and such a code is strictly individual for each employee. Throughout the entire period of a person’s work in a particular company, his personnel number remains unchanged.

Even if an employee at some point left the organization, but then decided to return to it, he will be assigned the same personnel number.

It must be said that timekeeping is rarely used in small companies, but, as a rule, it is mandatory in medium and large enterprises.

If the company is reorganized, is it necessary to assign new personnel numbers to employees ?

Where to see the personnel number of an employee 1C 8.3

To create registers of personnel documents, an accountant may need information on employee personnel numbers, for example, for sorting or selection. However, with standard log settings, such data is usually not displayed.

To add an additional column, open the HR Documents (Salaries and Personnel – Personnel – Personnel Documents), then click the More – Change Form button.

Select the Employee field the List by placing the cursor on it. Add fields button (or double-click the menu and select Add fields ) open the form Select fields to place in the form , check the Tab.number and click OK .

An additional field Tab.number (Employee) will appear in the list. To determine the location of the column in the table, the field can be moved using the blue arrows.

After completing the settings, the Tab. The number was displayed in the log with the necessary data.

Code in the directory Individuals and Tab. number in the Employee is not the same thing.

  • The personnel number is assigned and changed only from the Employees . It is he who ends up in all personnel documents.
  • The code in the directory Individuals is a serial number in the list. It is reflected in standard reports, for example, in the SALT for account 70 you can display the Code , but not the Tab. number .

Why are personnel numbers needed?

Assigning special digital combinations to employees of an enterprise serves several purposes:

  • facilitating the work of accounting department specialists in processing and recording data on internal movements of employees;
  • the personnel number is used to enter various marks for a particular employee, which make it possible in the future to more simply and correctly calculate parameters such as wages and related taxes;
  • These figures make it possible to easily find all the information about salaries, sick leave, time off, overtime, vacations, etc. for this or that employee.

But, nevertheless, the main purpose of the personnel number is to record the time spent by the employee directly at the workplace. To do this, authorized employees of the enterprise record the time of arrival of personnel from work and departure home, all kinds of absences for lunch, for personal matters, etc. In the future, this information makes it possible to determine whether the person worked the allotted time or whether he had overtime, and, based on this, calculate his wages.

If we talk about the time that an employee should spend at the workplace, then there are three main options.

  1. Full time (40 hours per week).
  2. Shortened working hours (20 hours per week or less).
  3. Part-time work (the number of hours is determined individually by a separate agreement between the employer and employee).

Most often, the last two points apply to students, minors, pensioners, people with disabilities and some other categories of citizens.

Question: An employer has two positions for a procurement specialist, but hires one employee for two positions. Moreover, it registers one employee under two employment contracts. In the first employment contract he indicates “Purchasing Specialist of the 1st category”, in the second - “Purchasing Specialist of the 2nd category”. Issues two orders under two employment contracts. Now questions arise with the personnel number: 1. Should I assign one personnel number or two different personnel numbers? 2. Does the employer have the right to assign two different personnel numbers to one employee for different positions (under two employment contracts)? 3. If an employer assigns two personnel numbers to one employee, can the employer issue two pay slips for each personnel number? Or should there be one payslip? 4. If the employer also offers an internal combination to the employee, then does the employer need to assign the employee a third personnel number? View answer

Collection and processing of personal data when applying for a job

Labor legislation determines the list of documents that an employer requests from an employee when applying for a job. At this stage, according to Art. 65 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, the following are requested:

  • passport or other identity document;
  • employment history;
  • a document confirming registration in the individual (personalized) accounting system, including in the form of an electronic document;
  • if necessary: ​​military registration documents, a document on education and (or) qualifications or the presence of special knowledge, a certificate of the presence (absence) of a criminal record.

The employee’s consent is not required to enter personal data from these documents into the employment contract. When he signs an employment contract, he thereby already gives his consent.

Who assigns a personnel number to an employee

Each organization that maintains such personnel records must have a specialist assigned this responsibility. As a rule, this is either the head of a department or an employee of the personnel department, who subsequently transmits the data to the accounting department, either directly as an accountant, or as a special timekeeper. The latter is especially common in large industrial enterprises. An authorized employee maintains a register and records of assigned ciphers, monitoring the correctness of their assignment and use.

Do I need to create a new personnel number for an internal part-time worker?

Who is assigned personnel codes?

Personnel numbers must be assigned to all employees of the enterprise where personnel records are maintained. In particular:

  • those who are employed on a permanent basis;
  • temporary employees;
  • external part-time workers;
  • seasonal workers.

Attention! If an employee combines positions within one structural unit or department, there is no need to create a separate personnel number for him. However, if his second job is outside this organization or in another department, then assigning a personnel number is quite appropriate.

Question: Is it necessary to assign a new personnel number to an internal part-time worker? Can an organization be fined for the same personnel number of an employee for his main job and for an internal part-time job? View answer


A personnel number, in accordance with the prevailing HR practice at Russian enterprises, is assigned to an employee upon concluding a contract. If an employee holds several positions in a company, he is assigned a separate personnel number for each position. If a person resigns, the employer can retain his personnel number for one to two years. The numbers are kept by a responsible employee using a special journal.

You can find out more about the use of personnel documents that indicate the personnel number in the articles:

  • ;
  • .

You can find more complete information on the topic in ConsultantPlus. Free trial access to the system for 2 days.

How is a personnel number assigned?

According to generally accepted rules of personnel and accounting, personnel numbers should be assigned from a single value. As the number of employees increases, this figure correspondingly grows in chronological order, without omissions. To encrypt the personnel number, only Arabic numerals are used, without adding any other symbols, such as periods, quotation marks, hyphens, etc.

However, the above information is not strictly mandatory. The fact is that the law does not have any special clauses or any regulations regulating the assignment of personnel numbers. So, purely theoretically, each enterprise has the right to independently decide how to develop and apply these digital codes to employees, as well as adjust them in the future.

Since personnel records allow you to keep order in internal documentation, when assigning personnel numbers it is advisable to adhere to the following recommendations:

  1. A strictly defined employee must be involved in timekeeping;
  2. A personnel number must be assigned immediately after the newly hired employee submits all the necessary documents for registration or on his first working day;
  3. When assigning personnel digital combinations, you must follow the chronology, excluding omissions;
  4. It is necessary to bring to the attention of the employee the digital code assigned to him;
  5. It is mandatory to include the individual number in the employment order.

Application of personnel numbering in primary documents

With a time-based wage system, timesheets of hours and days worked are filled out. In these forms, it is also necessary to write down time codes in order to record the period of the employee’s actual stay at the workplace.

Specifying an individual code allows one number to obtain a sample of time worked for a month or a longer period. This is relevant for summarized accounting of working hours, if it is necessary to determine the amount of overtime and timely provide a person with time off, and correctly accrue overtime to him.

The use of a personnel numbering system when maintaining personnel and accounting records in a single program makes it possible to quickly solve a number of problems:

  • carry out analytical samples of employees according to any indicators;
  • minimize the risks of making the wrong choice in settlement transactions for an employee if the company employs namesakes;
  • simplicity of processing processing.

Assigning personnel numbers of resigned employees to newly hired employees

Sooner or later, almost all specialists involved in timekeeping at enterprises and organizations ask themselves the question: is it possible to re-assign personnel numbers? Since this is not regulated in any way by law, we have to rely on established practice. And it is such that usually numbers that have already been used either do not find further use, or are assigned to new employees after at least one year has passed from the time the previously registered employee was fired.

Where is personnel number accounting registered?

Enterprises that use personnel records of employees, as a rule, also keep a journal of personnel numbers . It records the following data:

  • surname, name, patronymic of the employee;
  • date of hiring;
  • position and specialty;
  • number of the employment contract and its date;
  • the structural unit in which he is registered;
  • the personnel number itself.


Summarizing the above information, we can say that keeping time records is a fairly important component of personnel and accounting records. However, when assigning personnel numbers, you should be guided by certain rules that each enterprise has the right to develop independently. However, their violation does not lead to any sanctions from regulatory authorities. However, impeccable timesheets significantly facilitate and optimize the work of HR and accounting departments, allowing you to avoid errors in calculating wages and other payments.

Who can appropriate?

Personnel numbers are assigned to employees by a HR specialist. However, it is worth noting that the legislation does not regulate the position of the employee involved in assigning ciphers. However, when applying for a job, it is the HR engineers who are directly present.

This can also be done by the heads of structural divisions or even by the head of the enterprise. In the absence of a personnel employee, an accountant may take his place in this matter.

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