Transport tax: registration and deregistration, calculation and accrual
Transport tax in 1C Accounting 8.3 is calculated and accrued automatically at the end of the year (Fig. 1)
Revaluation of goods to the prices of the last purchase
Hello. In this article we will talk about what a markdown of goods is and for
Acquisition of fixed assets through two sources of financing
Since 2022, the Federal Accounting Standard FSBU 5/2019 “Inventories”, approved. by order of the Ministry of Finance
Those debts that were not included in the application will not be written off.
How much does bankruptcy proceedings for an individual cost? Step-by-step price analysis
What expenses are provided for by bankruptcy law? The costs of bankruptcy of an individual are expressly provided for by the Law.
when to write explanations about the high share of tax deductions for VAT
High share of tax deductions for VAT: explanations
The VAT return submitted by an enterprise is a source of information for the tax authorities about the amount
Receipt cash order
What is payment confirmation? Payment confirmation document
Is it possible to issue a receipt from the PKO to the client along with the cash receipt? And is it even legal?
Sample use of analytical accounting data - salary slip
Synthetic and analytical payroll accounting
Regulatory framework The main document that regulates synthetic and analytical accounting of calculations is the chart of accounts
Sample power of attorney to obtain digital signature for individuals and legal entities
There are two types of power of attorney for the right to digital signature - for actual use and for receiving
How to arrange a debt transfer (posting)?
Agreement on the assignment of rights and transfer of receivables: the procedure for reflecting the transaction in accounting
Features of drawing up a debt transfer agreement In order to make a debt transfer, you must sign
The concept of assets and liabilities of an organization
Concept and classification of assets Assets are the property of an enterprise that should bring profit in the future.
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