About legal entities
The main differences between the indicators In order for us to understand these two population indicators, consider
Distinctive features of the UTII system The imputed income tax system is distinguished by the fact that: its application
What is an income declaration When entrepreneurs receive income, they must be declared for further
Depreciation of fixed assets 2020-2021 in accounting and financial accounting: similarities and differences in accounting of both types
In accordance with the requirements of Federal Law dated December 6, 2011 N 402-FZ “On Accounting” through
Download a free example of an LLC accounting policy using the simplified tax system for 2022. As a source
Rules for calling So, the only basis for calling citizens for questioning at the tax office within the framework of
Welcome to complain Any person (individuals, legal entities, etc.) has the opportunity to complain to a higher tax office.
The decision to liquidate the LLC. The LLC participants organize a meeting and unanimously agree on the protocol.
What questions do tax inspectors ask a company director during interrogations? What about the employees? What to do, if