Minimum wage in the Krasnoyarsk Territory

In 2022, the federal minimum wage (minimum wage) increased to 12,130 rubles. Regions have the right to adjust this indicator upward and multiply it by the regional coefficient if the region has harsh climatic conditions. In the article we will tell you what the minimum wage will be in effect in the Krasnoyarsk Territory for 2022 with a regional coefficient.

The “minimum wage” is closely related to such an indicator as the subsistence minimum (LM). Read what the cost of living is set in the Krasnoyarsk Territory for 2022 - from January 1, the value for the 3rd quarter of 2022 is valid.

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Minimum wage in the Krasnoyarsk Territory from January 1, 2020

From January 1, 2022, the minimum wage in the Russian Federation increased and amounted to 11,280 rubles.

On December 12, the State Duma adopted, in the third and final reading, a law on increasing the minimum wage (minimum wage). From January 1, 2020, the minimum wage is set at 12,130 rubles per month. The increase in the minimum wage in 2022 will be 850 rubles, which is 7.5% more than established from January 1, 2022. This amount is 100% of the cost of living for the second quarter of 2022.

The increase in the minimum wage will affect the salaries of about 3.2 million people, half of whom are employed in state and municipal institutions. Increasing the minimum wage will require additional budget expenditures in the amount of 20.9 billion rubles, including 5.8 billion rubles from the federal budget and 15.1 billion rubles from regional budgets. According to the Ministry of Labor, expenses of organizations in the real sector of the economy will amount to 20.8 billion rubles.

The monthly salary, subject to the temporary norm worked, cannot be less than the minimum wage. It is not the salary that is taken into account, but the total payments. They include the rate, bonuses, allowances and surcharges, but do not include northern allowances and regional coefficients (Part 2 of Article 146, Article 148 and Article 315 of the Labor Code).

There are also special rules for organizations that operate in special climatic conditions. They have to add a regional coefficient to the minimum wage.

In the Krasnoyarsk Territory, the minimum wage level, taking into account the regional coefficient and the “northern” bonus, from January 1, 1019 was 18,048 rubles, and from January 1, 2022 it will be 19,408 rubles in the central and southern territories of the Krasnoyarsk Territory with differentiation by cities and regions, namely:

in Norilsk and the Taimyr Dolgano-Nenets municipal district - 31,538 rubles.

An increase in the minimum wage will cost the budget of the Krasnoyarsk Territory 2 billion rubles.

The legislation contains a clause that subjects can independently set the regional minimum wage. But the main thing is that it must be higher than the 2020 federal minimum wage of 12,130 rubles. It is impossible to adopt a tripartite agreement in which the minimum wage will be less than the official minimum wage in 2020.

general information

According to official data, the average monthly salary of Krasnoyarsk residents is 43,754 rubles. This figure is considered higher than the Russian average.

According to economists and other experts, this indicates the region's high economic success. The residents of the city and region themselves are not so optimistic.

For more than 50% of the population, the average salary is not enough to live on. According to ordinary Krasnoyarsk residents, for a decent life for a full family with two children, a minimum of 60,000 thousand rubles per month is needed.

Dynamics of the cost of living in the Krasnoyarsk Territory

The minimum wage from January 1, 2022 is set at 12,792 rubles.

What payments will be affected by an increase in the minimum wage?

  1. The minimum daily wage for calculating sick leave in 2022 depends on the minimum wage. Let us recall that temporary disability benefits are calculated based on the minimum wage if the employee had no earnings in the billing period and the employee’s monthly earnings were less than the minimum wage on the date of opening the sick leave. The minimum average daily earnings based on the minimum wage for 2022 is 398.75 rubles. (RUB 12,130 x 24 months: 730). If the calculated average daily earnings of the employee are less than this amount, then temporary disability benefits will be assigned from the minimum wage.
  2. An increase in the minimum wage affects the payment of maternity benefits. If in the area where a woman works, regional coefficients are established by law, then when calculating maternity benefits based on the minimum wage, they must be taken into account.
  3. An increase in the minimum wage affects the payment of child care benefits up to 1.5 years.

A difficult situation

According to the labor inspectorate, the wage debt in 2022 is almost 19,000,000 rubles.

42 companies have salary debts. The total number of affected workers is 4,082. Of the total debt, 70% is owed to nine bankrupt enterprises.

The largest debts were repaid by the following companies:

  1. PJSC "Krasnoyarsk Bread" - 13,000,000 rub.
  2. LLC "Vostokenergomontazh" - 28,000,000 rubles.
  3. JSC Kraslesinvest - 22,000,000 rubles.
  4. Vodokanal LLC - 26,000,000 rub.
  5. SE KK "Achinsk PATP" - 114,000,000 rubles.
  6. JSC "Vodstroy" - 28,000,000 rub.
  7. SE KK "Regional ATP" - 904,000 rubles.

The situation on the labor market in the Krasnoyarsk Territory

Change of monthly payments

Information on how the amounts of monthly payments in the region have been changed is presented in the table.

What changedPayments (thousand rubles)New odds (%)
Average per capita income27,7+2,2
Average salary38,3+5,4
Salary of public sector employees32,8+1,7
Average pension18,3

Minimum wage value

The minimum wage in the region, as well as in Russia as a whole, is below the subsistence level. According to Krasnoyarsk residents, local officials do not comply with the president’s decrees and “cut” payments by 1.5 times.

The size of the minimum wage in the Krasnoyarsk Territory for different regions

Read on our website: salary levels in Russia and regions.

Minimum wage in the Krasnoyarsk Territory, employer liability for violations

The employer is responsible for ensuring that the smallest salary before deduction of personal income tax, provided that the established time is fully worked, will not be less than the minimum amount.

We remind employers and trade union organizations of the need to amend the organization’s collective agreement and conclude an additional agreement with the employee to the employment contract.

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How much do teachers earn?

The salary of school teachers consists of three components.

Minimum salary rate depending on length of and personal qualifications.
This includes increasing coefficients for checking students’ assignments, as well as for preparing for classes.
Compensation payments provided for by the Labor Code of the Russian Federation.
These are social allowances for harmful working conditions and for performing other than one’s duties.
Aimed at increasing the salaries of school employees.
Payments are stimulating. They can be personal and general.

Salary range

The table provides information regarding the salary range in Krasnoyarsk.

Monthly salary (r.)Number of vacancies
10 000–15 00075
15 000–20 00097
20 000–25 00034
25 000–30 0007
From 30 0003

What are the salaries of teachers?

The official “rating” of salaries of Krasnoyarsk teachers, depending on their specialization, is as follows:

  1. Physicists - 27,000 rubles/month.
  2. Primary classes in Krasnoyarsk - 20,000 rubles/month.
  3. Mathematicians - 20,000 rubles/month.
  4. Russian language and literature - 20,000 rubles/month.
  5. Stories - 20,000 rubles/month.
  6. Social studies - 20,000 rubles/month.
  7. Computer science - 18,760 rubles/month.
  8. Foreign language - 18,760 rub./month.
  9. Fine arts - 16,000 rubles/month.

Monitoring teacher salaries and workload in Russia

Real situation

According to school directors and teachers themselves, in reality the situation with salaries is far from so rosy.

A primary school teacher earns almost half as much - 11 thousand rubles per month. This forces many specialists to take an extended day group. In this case, the salary increases to 15,000 rubles/month.

Teachers' salaries increased by a maximum of 1,200 rubles. Using figures of 20–25 thousand rubles, the authorities are wishful thinking or simply lying.

To earn such income, a teacher will have to accumulate 25–30 teaching hours.

Follow the link to see the salaries of teachers in Russian cities.

How much do officials earn?

Not long ago, a certain deputy said the following: “He who earns less than 30,000 rubles a month is not a man.”

Judging only by official data on bureaucratic salaries, both this deputy and the rest of the region’s major officials have everything in order with their “masculinity.”

Last year, the salaries of Krasnoyarsk officials, on the initiative of local deputies, were doubled. This unanimous decision was signed by the governor of the region.

Find out the salary of officials in Russia on our website.

Not everything is clear

According to state media, “not everything is so simple”: officials bear a colossal workload, work 12–16 hours a day and have almost no rest. Moreover, representatives of regional authorities are personally involved in supervision.

Regions with the richest officials

Initially, it was planned to double the salaries of all state employees. But, since deputies receive salaries from the regional treasury, it was possible to do this only for themselves. The local population was outraged by the highest salaries of officials of 100,000 rubles.

So how much do they get paid?

There is a difference between the concepts of “salary” and “salary”. The salary is the amount that is paid to the official officially. Salary is calculated depending on salary.

Officially, the average salary of employees of legislative bodies is 59,000 rubles. Since the beginning of 2022, it has grown by 2.5%.

The salaries of employees of the prosecutor's office and the judiciary look more modest. The amount of payments increased by 15.5% and today amounts to 44,000 rubles.

In municipalities, the salary level increased by 3% and is 38,034 rubles in 2022.

Against this background, there remains room for free financial maneuver. But it is different for each legislator, and there is no single figure for everyone.

A salary of 100,000 rubles was made up of the following points:

  • Northern coefficient.
  • Irregular working hours.
  • Rewards.
  • Awards.

Representatives of the official media forgot to mention: in addition to the official salary, up to 80% of the “servants of the people” have income from their own business.

According to some reports, even 100,000 rubles are received by those who have declared their income. The overwhelming number of Krasnoyarsk deputies could easily increase their salaries not two, but four times.

Dynamics of average salary growth in Russia

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