Regulatory framework and definition of leasing Let's consider how to make entries for leasing, but for
If you're just about to start a career in sales, you probably don't yet know the job
What refers to household equipment and accessories What may be included in the list of tools, household
Have you been refused account opening or service? Perhaps the company is blacklisted by banks.
Business idea for installing air conditioners and ventilation 1 Where to start installing ventilation and air conditioners 2
If an employee’s income from the beginning of the year reaches a certain amount, when calculating insurance premiums for
If the need arises, an order approving the regulations on business trips is signed. Exactly
The software product “Analysis of the difference in VAT and Income Tax revenue in 1C: Accounting 8” received
Transport tax rates in the Kirov region For the year Name of the object of taxation Rate (rub.) for
How to create a certificate for employees Go to the “Taxes and Contributions” menu. (“Salaries and personnel”