How to find out the OKOPF code of an organization's enterprise by TIN number

What is OKOPF

OKOPF is an all-Russian classifier of organizational and legal forms (OLF) of ownership. Organizations and entrepreneurs receive an OKOPF code upon registration. They are assigned by Rosstat to all economic entities, regardless of their field of activity, size and location. The OKOPF code is established based on the form of ownership declared during registration. The OKOPF code is not unique; organizations operating in the same OPF have the same codes. Upon registration, the OKOPF code is received by:

  • commercial and non-profit organizations;
  • unitary enterprises;
  • branches, representative offices, divisions operating without forming a legal entity;
  • international companies;
  • Individual entrepreneurs and individuals conducting activities that are not classified as entrepreneurship.


You can find out the meaning of the code according to the classifier of forms of organizations by TIN on the Rosstat website for the following organizations and individuals:

  • entity;
  • branch, representative office operating without forming a legal entity;
  • individual entrepreneur, chairman (head) of a peasant farm;
  • lawyer, private notary.

Receiving information does not require registration on the site; it is enough to know the tax number of an entrepreneur or legal entity.
The information is provided free of charge and the request is processed in real time. It is necessary to generate a notification by selecting the type of organization and entering the TIN in the appropriate field. After checking the control code, the page will display links to two types of documents corresponding to the entered tax number: a list of forms and statistics codes for the selected company.

In the notification about codes, in addition to the values ​​​​from OKOPF and other classifiers, a decoding of digital values ​​is provided, for example, OKOPF 1 23 00 corresponds to a commercial organization created in the form of a limited liability company.

The notification from the State Statistics Service contains the following data:

  • OGRN of the organization;
  • the value of the administrative division object code (OKATO);
  • number corresponding to the code of the municipality (OKTMO);
  • data from the classifier of authorities and public administration (OKOGU);
  • codified form of ownership;
  • information on the form of organization of the enterprise (OKOPF).

In addition to the code values, you can download a reporting schedule from the Rosstat website. For example, a limited liability company engaged in wholesale or retail trade must provide quarterly data on the costs of producing and selling products.

A similar procedure for obtaining information about values ​​from statistical classifiers is used for individual entrepreneurs, notaries and lawyers.

The report issued as a result of the request also contains a set of codes characterizing the geographical location of the individual, the form of ownership and registration of the business entity as an individual entrepreneur or in another form.

OKOPF code structure

To classify organizational and legal forms, five-digit codes have been created, each character has a specific meaning: it helps the tax authorities to monitor the accuracy of the information provided. The code has the structure A AA AA and includes three bits. Please note that the use of the enlarged OKOPF code is prohibited. You cannot specify only the first and second digits; you need to write the full code in the details.

The first category means the section to which the classification object belongs. OKOPF includes seven sections, and the corresponding number is included in the code.

  1. — for commercial organizations;
  2. — for non-profit organizations;
  3. — for organizations without legal entity rights;
  4. — for international organizations;
  5. — for the activities of individuals;
  6. — for commercial unitary organizations;
  7. — for non-profit unitary organizations.

The second category indicates the type of legal form. It is different for each section. For sections 3 and 4, the type of OPF is 00. For the fifth, two types were identified - 01 and 02. The remaining sections include many types of OPF.

The third category characterizes the type of organizational and legal form. Each type of OPF has its own types. For example, business partnerships are divided into full and limited ones; they have codes 1 10 51 and 1 10 64, respectively.

Structure of the classifier and codes

OKOPF divides all enterprises into groups, which are designated by digital codes. The code consists of 5 digits, in which the first is one of 5 main sections:

  • legal entities represented by commercial organizations;
  • non-profit legal entities;
  • enterprises that do not have legal rights. faces;
  • international organizations;
  • OKOPF IP, that is, civilians carrying out business activities in the Russian Federation.

Recently, positions 6 and 7 have been introduced into the classifier:

  • commercial unitary enterprises;
  • non-profit unitary forms.

The next two digits are assigned to the type of organization. The last two digits indicate the type of organizational and legal form. For convenience, the identifier uses the hierarchy method and sequential numbering. The classifier also has an application in which all organizational forms are arranged alphabetically. Each type of organization is given a definition.

If necessary, codes can be requested on the official website of Russian Statistics.

Example of designation of organizational and legal form:

  • non-state pension funds – 7 04 02;
  • agricultural production cooperatives (collective farms) – 1 41 00;
  • political parties and movements – 2 02 01;
  • Mutual funds – 3 00 05.

Why do you need the OKOPF code?

The OKOPF code helps determine what form of ownership the organization belongs to. With its help, the state collects information about companies, keeps records, makes forecasts and makes recommendations.

OKOPF is needed not only by the state, it is also used in the practice of the companies that own it. It must be indicated when registering and re-registering a company. The code is a mandatory detail in statistical and accounting reporting and is included in bank details and the unified state register.

As you can see, the OKOPF code does not provide any benefit to organizations. But you need to know it to avoid problems with regulatory authorities. Be responsible when filling out documentation and use only official and up-to-date information.

How to find out the OKOPF code

After registration, OKOPF is assigned by Rosstat. In this case, no document certified by seals is issued. Statistics codes are communicated by regular mail. Organizations receive codes within 7 business days after registration, but they are not even sent to entrepreneurs. You may not know your code, but this is not punishable.

To find out the OKOPF code, you can submit a written request to the statistics department. This can be done in person or by sending an application by mail. You will receive a response within 5 business days. However, this method will require time and effort.

OKOPF as a body of self-organization of the population

In the notification about codes, in addition to the values ​​​​from OKOPF and other classifiers, a decoding of digital values ​​is provided, for example, OKOPF 1 23 00 corresponds to a commercial organization created in the form of a limited liability company.

You can also find out the OKOPF code for free using the TIN of a legal entity or individual entrepreneur.

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And remember: the state expects from you, as a law-abiding citizen, strict compliance with the requirements of current legislation to fill out the required documentation forms, including a complete and accurate indication of the code according to OKOPF.

These codes are entered in the process of reporting on economic activities both on the territory of the Russian Federation and foreign economic activity.

OKOPF includes all existing forms of activity that are permitted by law. Since January 1, 2013, OKOPF OK 028-2012 has been used in Russia. However, changes are constantly being made to it, so today the edition of the classifier dated December 12, 2014 is in effect.

Individual entrepreneur and legal entity persons, commercial and non-commercial structures, foreign enterprises and other organizational and legal forms under OKOPF. The presented classifier allows you to structure an information resource containing a list of data and information relating to a specific object. It is used to solve analytical problems in the field of economics, taxes and statistics. These issues are typically related to the activities of a specific type of property.

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To classify organizational and legal forms, five-digit codes have been created, each character has a specific meaning: it helps the tax authorities to monitor the accuracy of the information provided. The code has the structure A AA AA and includes three bits. Please note that the use of the enlarged OKOPF code is prohibited.

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When registering an organization, this code is provided along with other identifiers (OKATO, OKFS and OKPO) in the statistics letter. If for some reason the identifiers were lost, they can be requested again. To do this, just enter the OGRN or TIN data into a special window on the official Rosstat page - the necessary statistical codes will be generated and printed.

OKOPF, along with other statistical codes, can be obtained using a special Internet resource - the Rosstat website or its sub-resource. For information on how else you can check a counterparty using the specified data, read the article How to check a counterparty by TIN or OGRN using a file of arbitration court cases.

The resource allows you to obtain online and almost instantly information about statistical codes for a legal entity, which are provided free of charge to any user. So, the OKOPF code is intended to classify business entities based on their organizational and legal form.

How to find out OKOPF code by TIN

It is possible to find out the OKOPF online using the TIN and other details on the official website of Rosstat. You will receive the code within a few seconds for free, the information will be absolutely reliable.

In addition to the OKOPF code, you can also find other statistics codes by TIN. Enter information about the organization (TIN, OKPO or OGRN) in the appropriate field and start the search. As a result, you will receive a printable notice similar to what Rosstat sends during registration. The list of presented codes includes OKOPF.

Author of the article: Elizaveta Kobrina

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Where can I find out the legal form of an entrepreneur?

What is OGRNIP for individual entrepreneurs and how can you find it out, differences from OGRN

Important! An individual entrepreneur and all other persons without exception can find out the OKOPF through the official Rosstat resource, which includes specially developed free services.

The procedure is not complicated and involves the following sequence of actions:

  1. To find out the OKOPF by TIN for an individual entrepreneur, you must first go to the official Rosstat portal.
  2. At the next stage, the user opens the page of the specific region in which the entrepreneurial activity of the individual entrepreneur is carried out. You can find it as quickly as possible by using the search bar using the name, and after that you need to confirm by clicking on the corresponding button.
  3. Next, the user selects from the proposed list the form of enterprise of interest, in this case, an individual entrepreneur.
  4. It is indicated in the specially designated field OGRNIP of an individual entrepreneur, for legal entities - OGRN.
  5. The user clicks the search button.

After this, the user can only gain full access to the relevant notification regarding registration in a specially designed statistical register, including the OKOPF of interest.

Search can be done in different ways

Note! The Rosstat service is free and allows you to obtain the necessary data even if you only provide a taxpayer ID.

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