Storage periods for documents in the organization in 2022

Storage periods for organizational documents

Please note: for periods that depend on the date of execution of documents, the designation “50/75 years” is used. A document drawn up after 2003 must be kept for 50 calendar years, and a document drawn up before 2003 for 75 years. The retention period means that after its expiration, the document can be selected for permanent storage.

Documentation categoryType of documentsPrevious termsNew terms
Tax accountingInvoices4 years5 years
Tax accountingRegisters of information on the income of individuals submitted by tax agents75 years old5 years
Tax accountingBooks of accounting of income and expenses of individual entrepreneurs and organizations using the simplified tax systemConstantly5 years
Tax accountingCalculations of insurance premiums for your employeesIf there are personal accounts - 5 years If there are no personal accounts - 50 years (if documents were issued since 2003) / 75 years (if documents were issued before 2003)50/75 years
Tax accountingCards for individual accounting of accrued payments and insurance premiumsIf you have personal accounts - 5 years
If you have no personal accounts - 50/75 years
If you have personal accounts - 6 years
If you have no personal accounts - 50/75 years
AccountingDocuments (acts, certificates, correspondence) on misappropriations, shortages and embezzlement5 years, for some of this documentation - permanently10 years after compensation for damage; in case of initiation of criminal cases are stored until a decision is made on the case
AccountingDocuments on wages and other payments (payslips, payslips)If you have personal accounts - 5 years
If you have no personal accounts - 50/75 years
If you have personal accounts - 6 years
If you have no personal accounts - 50/75 years
Personnel accountingOrders on disciplinary sanctions and documents that served as the basis for their issuance5 years3 years
Personnel accountingApplications regarding the need for foreign employees5 years1 year
Personnel accountingDocuments on the status and measures to improve working conditions and labor protection and safety regulationsConstantly5 years
Personnel accountingAccount cards, books, magazines, vacation databases3 years5 years
Personnel accountingDocuments for recording accidents and incidents at workConstantly45 years
Personnel accountingVacation schedules1 year3 years

Document retention periods

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Purposes of storing a vacation schedule

In what cases may a civil statement be required that has lost its relevance, but has been stored in the personnel service for 3 years? For example:

  • to draw up a new State of the Union for the next years on its basis;
  • if a conflict arises between the employer and the employee regarding the procedure for using the latter’s rest days, including in the event of the employee going on leave without authorization;
  • if errors are identified when approving orders to provide employees with rest days;
  • in case of incorrect calculation of vacation pay by the accounting department;
  • to plan rest days for future periods;
  • for the purpose of analyzing statistics regarding the planned rest days of employees and the days that were actually used by them;
  • in case of inspection of the organization’s activities by government authorities.

ConsultantPlus talks about the form in which to draw up a vacation schedule in its ready-made solution. If you do not yet have access to the ConsultantPlus system, you can register for free for 2 days.

Table of storage periods for tax, accounting and personnel documents in 2022

The table shows the storage periods for the most common tax, accounting and personnel records, valid from 2022.

A complete list of standard management documents and their retention periods can be found here. You can find out from what point to calculate the storage period for documentation and what to do after the expiration of the temporary storage period from the instructions approved by the order of the Federal Archive No. 237 of December 20, 2019.

Documentation categoryType of documentsShelf life
Tax accountingDocuments on accrued and transferred amounts of taxes and debts on them5 years
Tax accountingTax returns and calculations for all types of taxes5 years
Tax accountingInvoices5 years
Tax accountingDocuments accounting for amounts of income and employee income tax5 years
Tax accountingDocuments for accounting for the sale of goods, services and works, subject to and exempt from VAT5 years
Tax accountingCertificates of fulfillment of the obligation to pay taxes, fees, contributions, penalties, penalties and the status of settlements with the budget5 years
Tax accountingBooks of accounting of income and expenses of organizations using the simplified tax system5 years
Tax accountingDocuments (correspondence, acts, objections, statements) regarding disagreements with the Federal Tax Service on issues of calculation and payment of taxes5 years
Tax accountingCorrespondence about tax debt restructuring6 years
Tax accountingCalculations of insurance premiums for your employees50/75 years
Tax accounting2-NDFL certificates and calculations of personal income tax amountsIf there are personal accounts - 5 years If there are no personal accounts or salary slips - 50/75 years
Tax accountingRegisters of information on employee income submitted by tax agents to the Federal Tax Service5 years
Tax accountingCards for individual accounting of accrued payments and insurance premiumsIf you have personal accounts - 6 years
If you have no personal accounts - 50/75 years
AccountingPrimary accounting documents and related supporting documents (orders, time sheets, invoices, receipts, acts of acceptance, delivery and write-off of property)5 years subject to inspection; if disputes arise, disagreements remain until a decision is made on the case
AccountingAccounting registers (general ledger, transaction journals, account cards, orders, statements, inventory lists)5 years subject to inspection
AccountingAccounting policy documents (accounting standards, working chart of accounts)5 years after replacement with new ones
Accounting Accounting (financial) statements and audit reportsAnnual financial statementsConstantly
Accounting Accounting (financial) statements and audit reportsInterim financial statements5 years. In the absence of annual reporting - constantly
Accounting Accounting (financial) statements and audit reportsDocuments on consideration and approval of financial statements (acts, conclusions, minutes)Constantly
Accounting Accounting (financial) statements and audit reportsAudit reports on the accounting (financial) statements:
a) of the audited entity; b) from an audit organization, an individual auditor
A). 5 years; for annual accounting (financial) statements - constantly
b). 5 years, subject to external quality control testing

10 years after compensation for damage; in case of initiation of criminal cases are stored until a decision is made on the case

Accounting Accounting (financial) statements and audit reportsDocuments (acts, certificates, correspondence) on misappropriations, shortages and embezzlementA). 5 years; for annual accounting (financial) statements - constantly
b). 5 years, subject to external quality control testing

10 years after compensation for damage; in case of initiation of criminal cases are stored until a decision is made on the case

Accounting Accounting (financial) statements and audit reportsDocuments on wages and other payments (payslips, payslips)If you have personal accounts - 6 years
If you have no personal accounts - 50/75 years
Personnel accountingDocuments on the personnel of the organization50/75 years
Personnel accountingCollective agreementsConstantly
Personnel accountingLists of professionsAt the place of approval - permanently, in other organizations - until new ones are approved.
Personnel accountingVacation schedules3 years
Personnel accountingOriginals of the employee’s personal documents (work book, diploma, certificate, etc.)On demand, but not more than 50/75 years
Personnel accountingDocuments on employee bonuses5 years
Personnel accountingOrders on personnel transfers50/75 years
Personnel accountingPersonal cards of employees50/75 years EPC
Personnel accountingBooks, magazines, accounting cards, databases of work record forms, vacations, issuance of official foreign passports, certificates of salary, place of work, length of service.5 years
Personnel accountingDocuments (conclusions, acts, protocols) on accidents, injuries and industrial accidents
a) at the place of preparation; b) in other organizations
a) 45 years old;
associated with major material damage and human casualties - constantly b) 5 years
Personnel accountingDocuments (orders, instructions) on disciplinary sanctions3 years
Personnel accountingApplications regarding the need for foreign workers1 year
Personnel accountingDocuments on the status and measures to improve working conditions and labor protection (certificates, justifications, proposals)5 years
Personnel accountingApplications from employees for the issuance of work-related documents and their copies1 year
Personnel accountingDocuments (magazines, books) recording labor safety training (introductory and on-the-job training)45 years

Storage periods for the most common documents in 2021

These deadlines are established by order of the Federal Archive. At the same time, for some documents the deadlines are regulated by regulations of other departments. If regulations set different deadlines for the same documents, we recommend choosing a longer one for safety.

The same applies to documents that you created or received before the retention periods changed. Based on them, too, be guided by the longest period.

In the “My Business” service, all your documents are saved automatically

Accounts, acts, contracts and all reports are stored in your personal account, which you can access at any time

Free consultation on document storage

Normative base

The employer’s obligation to draw up a vacation schedule follows from Article 123 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation. It must be approved for the next year no later than 2 weeks before the end of the current year. For example, the vacation schedule for 2022 had to be approved no later than December 17, 2021.

All employers create a vacation schedule. Only micro-enterprises that have refused to adopt internal regulations can not do this (Article 309.2 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation). However, in this case, it is necessary to conclude a written agreement with each employee and record this fact in clause 22 of the Model Employment Contract.

Before drawing up a vacation schedule, you need to take into account that in addition to the main paid rest period of 28 days (Articles 114-115 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation), some categories of workers are entitled to additional days (Articles 116-119 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation).

If an employee has been working for the first year, he has the right to count on rest after 6 months. But there are cases when it should be provided earlier if the employee has expressed such a desire (Article 123 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation). Women before and immediately after maternity leave, minors, persons who have adopted a child under three months old, and some others have the right to count on this (Article 122 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation).

These categories of employees also have the right to receive leave at any time convenient for them. In addition, one of the parents/guardians of a disabled minor child, veterans, Chernobyl victims, blood donors, spouses of military personnel, part-time workers and other categories have this right.

It is impossible not to provide an hired person with leave for two years in a row (Article 124 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation), even if he himself requests it. If the rest period for the previous year was not fully used, the remaining days must be included in the vacation schedule for the next year. First, the document reflects the previous year’s period, and then the period corresponding to the year in which it is compiled.

The annual rest period can be divided into parts, but one of them should not be less than 14 calendar days (Article 125 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation).

Storage periods for accounting documents

The storage periods for accounting documentation are regulated by the Federal Law “On Accounting” No. 402-FZ dated December 6, 2011. Article 29 of this law establishes no less than a 5-year retention period for all accounting documents, with the exception of those that must be kept for the entire time the organization carries out its activities. At the same time, according to paragraph 1 of this article, specific deadlines for various types of documentation must comply with the rules for organizing state archival affairs. Therefore, in 2022 we must proceed from the deadlines established by the Federal Archive on February 18, 2020, but they should not be less than 5 years.

Retention periods for personnel documents

The storage periods for such documents from February 18, 2020 are regulated by clause 8 of section II of the order of the Federal Archive. For certain documents, the retention period depends on the date they were issued. The storage period for documents issued before 2003 is 75 calendar years, starting from the year following the year of their creation. Personnel documents created after 2003 must be kept for at least 50 years. The list of personnel documentation includes employment and civil law contracts, author's contracts, personal cards of employees, as well as unclaimed originals of their work books, diplomas, military IDs, identification cards, and certificates.

For some documents, a special storage period was established that did not exist before:


The vacation schedule does not provide for any special storage conditions. But the employer should not forget about the provisions of Federal Law No. 152 “On Personal Data” of 2006. In this regard, the employer must ensure adequate protection of the personal data of employees contained in the vacation schedule and avoid their leakage.

It is important for the employer to focus on ensuring the safety of the vacation schedule during the storage period. Responsibility for violation of this rule arises on the basis of Art. 90 of the Labor Code.

To ensure the safety of the vacation schedule, the employer can store them in metal boxes, cabinets and safes, as well as in a furniture cabinet that is locked with a key. In addition to the vacation schedule, you can store other personnel documents here.

Also, the vacation schedule can be stored on the shelves of cabinets with limited access to the specified premises by third parties.

In order to store vacation schedules, it is advisable to create a separate folder in which all vacation documentation will be collected in chronological order or other documents with a similar shelf life.

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