Features of dismissal of an employee due to conscription into the army

Every employer may be faced with the problem of conscripting an employee into the army. A young man who fits the age category of conscripts and also does not have physical disabilities can receive a summons from the military registration and enlistment office.

The employer has the obligation to correctly formalize the dismissal of this employee and correctly calculate it, according to the procedure established in the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, in particular in Art. 83.

When concluding an employment relationship, the employer must clarify about military service. The military fitness stamp can be found on your draft document or military ID. A young man who is unfit for the army due to his health condition is required to provide a medical certificate.

How to fire an employee due to conscription into the army ?

What the law says

All young people who are registered with the military and are between the ages of 18 and 27 are eligible for compulsory military service (Article 22 of the Federal Law “On Military Duty and Military Service” dated March 28, 1998 No. 53-FZ).

Is the employee’s conscription into military service or his assignment to alternative civilian service grounds for termination of an employment contract?

There are certain circumstances on the basis of which a deferment can be issued for a temporary or permanent period, such as:

  • health status;
  • presence of children under 3 years of age (two or more);
  • presence of dependent parents who are disabled.

Dismissal when leaving for military service is mandatory. Personnel workers should also remember that conscription into the army occurs in the spring and autumn. Therefore, you always need to be prepared for such events.

Is a working person drafted into military service?

Termination of labor relations due to a person’s conscription for military service is regulated by Art.
83 Labor Code of the Russian Federation. Such a basis does not depend on the will of the employer and employee and provides for the presence of a third party starting the process (military registration and enlistment office). Men whose age is in the range of 18-27 years, who are registered with the military and who are not in the reserves are subject to being sent to the army (Article 22 of Federal Law No. 53 of March 28, 1998).

Persons not invited:

  1. Exempt from military duty, including those previously involved in alternative civil service (Article 23 of Federal Law No. 53 of March 28, 1998).
  2. Having a deferment - provided for health reasons, if there are two or more children under 3 years of age, or the need to support disabled parents (Article 24 of the Federal Law No. 53 of March 28, 1998).

The employer learns about the employee’s obligation to serve in the army from the military ID presented upon employment. Organizations (with the exception of individual entrepreneurs) must maintain military records (Article 8 of Federal Law No. 61 of May 31, 1996). Therefore, the employer has information whether his employee can be called up to serve.

For failure to submit data on employees liable for military service to the authorized body, penalties are imposed on the employer (Article 21.1 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation).

An employee can be drafted into the army in standard periods: from April to July or from October to December. For some persons, a change in period is provided. For example, teachers are involved in service from May to July, agricultural workers - from October to December.

Grounds and procedure for dismissal

Dismissal due to conscription into the army is mandatory, but the manager does not have the right to ask the employee to write a statement of his own free will, or to terminate the working relationship without the knowledge of the conscript due to a violation of internal regulations. The basis for dismissing a conscript is a summons for military service (it is sent to the place of registration of the young man or to the official work address).

Important! If the manager hides the presence of a subpoena and does not notify the employee, then fines will be imposed on him (Article 21.2, Article 23.11, Part 1 of Article 28.3 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation).

The summons must contain a specific date for the conscript's appearance. Before this, the employee must undergo a medical examination, and the manager must prepare all the necessary documentation.

In this case, there is no need to draw up an application for resignation; an entry in the employment record must be entered on the basis of clause 1 of Art. 83 Labor Code of the Russian Federation.

All conscripts are required to work for two weeks if the conscription date is set no earlier than 14 days. If the deadline for serving the summons is violated, the employee will be dismissed without work.

Upon receipt of the story, the head of the organization is obliged to perform certain actions:

  • checking the correctness of filling out this document;
  • checking compliance with notification deadlines;
  • confirmation of familiarization with a signature.

After this, the document must be handed over to the employee who is called to serve. He must sign and begin the medical examination.

We prepare documents

IMPORTANT! A sample order for the dismissal of an employee due to conscription for military service from ConsultantPlus is available at the link

The dismissal procedure includes several stages:

  • drawing up an order in the T-8 form, it must indicate the reason for termination of the employment relationship, as well as indicate the summons number, draft date and who issued this document;
  • making an entry in the order book;
  • signing of the order by the conscript after familiarization;
  • making payments to an employee;
  • filling out the employee’s personal card, in which you need to write the reason and date of dismissal.

For each stage, it is necessary to prepare appropriate documentation for the employee and employer. All documents must be confirmed by the employee’s signatures, after which he will not be able to be reinstated at work after the army, indicating the illegality of the employer’s actions.

The order must be drawn up in the standard T-8 format. In the “Grounds” line, include the reason for leaving the state and a link to the article that relates to this circumstance (clause 1 of Article 83 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation). A prerequisite for issuing an order is that the employee reads it and signs it.

We fill out the labor

In the work book you need to make a certain entry and indicate:

  • date of leaving the company;
  • grounds for dismissal and a reference to the law of the Russian Federation, namely paragraph 1 of Art. 83 Labor Code of the Russian Federation;
  • number and date of the corresponding order.

The wording of the entry may be as follows: “The employment contract was terminated due to circumstances beyond the control of the parties, in connection with the employee’s conscription for military service, paragraph 1 of part one of Article 83 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation.”

Next, the signatures of the authorized person and the dismissed employee are affixed.

Attention! If an employee leaves for service under a contract, then in this case the employment contract can be terminated only by agreement of the parties or at his own request. Contract service is considered a transition to work in another organization.

The personal card must indicate the date and number of the order, as well as the reason for dismissal. The card is issued at the discretion of the employer and remains with him.

The head of the organization is obliged to provide notification to the military registration and enlistment office that the conscript has been dismissed. The delivery period is 2 weeks.

Important! This notice must be provided in writing. It must contain information about the order.

How to reflect an employee’s conscription into the army in 1C: ZUP ed. 3.1?

Published 10.20.2020 13:16 Author: Administrator One of the clauses of Article 83 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation “Termination of an employment contract due to circumstances beyond the control of the parties” is the clause “Conscription of an employee for military service or sending him to an alternative civil service replacing it.” A situation that occurs quite often in the work of an accountant. And if you have never had to deal with this before, now a number of questions may arise: what document is used to document an employee’s absence, how to correctly make an entry in the work book, what payments are due to the employee, and most importantly, how to reflect this in the 1C program? In this publication we will try to answer all these questions.

In connection with conscription into the army, the employee is dismissed, which is formalized by a dismissal order indicating the grounds for dismissal - clause 1, part 1, art. 83 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation - “Conscription of an employee for military service or sending him to an alternative civil service replacing it.”

Upon dismissal under clause 1, part 1, art. 83 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, an employee is required to pay compensation for unused vacation and severance pay in the amount of two weeks’ average earnings - para. Part 3, Article 178 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation.

Upon completion of service, the employee may be rehired by the organization. The conditions for re-admission must be specified in the collective agreement or local regulations of the organization.

The employer is not obliged to keep the conscript's job. The workplace is preserved only in government institutions in accordance with clause 5 of Art. 23 of the Law “On the Status of Military Personnel” dated May 27, 1998 No. 76-FZ, where he can return within three months after completing his service.

Let's consider the procedure for drawing up the “Dismissal” document and the procedure for calculating severance pay using the example of 1C: ZUP ed. 3.1.

Employee Korolev I.F. drafted into the army. Based on the summons of the military registration and enlistment office and its application, a corresponding entry was made in the work book with reference to clause 1 of Article 83 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation. Korolev was dismissed effective October 12, 2020. We will provide the employee with compensation for unused vacation and severance pay in the form of two weeks' average earnings.

How to determine the number of days to pay severance pay?

For an employee, it is necessary to calculate the number of working days or the number of hours (with summed accounting time) falling in the next two weeks after the date of dismissal.

Employee Korolev I.F. dismissed on October 12, 2020. This means that we take the period for calculating severance pay from 10/13/2020 to 10/26/2020 (2 weeks).

Let’s assume that an employee works on a “Five-day” schedule. This means the number of days for payment of severance pay is 10 days.

In our example, the employee works on a shift schedule, which has a summarized recording of working hours. So we need to determine its time in hours.

For the period from October 13 to October 26, Korolev I.F. there would have to be 4 work shifts of 24 hours each. Those. number of hours for calculating severance pay 96 hours (24 hours * 4 shifts).

Based on this data, we will fill out the dismissal order.

Step 1. Go to the “Personnel” section and create a “Dismissal” document.

Step 2. Indicate the employee, date of dismissal, reason - clause 1, part 1, art. 83. In the “Severance pay for” field, indicate the number of calculated hours (days). Check the “Calculate salary” checkbox if necessary. The program will automatically perform the calculation.

To view the data on the basis of which the average earnings for calculating compensation and severance pay are determined, click the “pencil button” next to the corresponding fields.

Since our employee Korolev I.F. summarized accounting of working time in the schedule, severance pay is determined in hours, therefore, to calculate severance pay, the average hourly tariff rate is determined. The table shows data for calculating average earnings. If necessary, the user can adjust them by setting the switch to the “Set manually” position.

Step 3. Go to the “Vacation Compensation” tab. The program will automatically calculate the number of days of unused vacation during the employee’s period of work.

Step 4. On the “Accruals and Deductions” tab, accruals for the employee’s actual time worked before conscription, vacation compensation and the amount of severance pay will be displayed.

According to paragraph 1 of Art. 217 Tax Code of the Russian Federation and paragraphs. 2 p. 1 art. 422 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation, severance pay is not subject to personal income tax and insurance contributions.

Step 5. On the “Additional” tab, indicate the document grounds for dismissal – “Summons of conscription for military service.”

Step 6. By clicking the “Print” button, you can print dismissal order forms, various certificates and calculations.

The printed form of the order indicates the basis for dismissal - “Conscription of the employee for military service or sending him to an alternative civilian service replacing it.”

As we have already said, the basis for an order for dismissal is a summons to the conscript demanding to appear at the place of assembly or military service. The personnel officer should carefully study the agenda, as they come in different types. For example, when receiving a summons to undergo a medical examination, it is not necessary to dismiss an employee.

Let's consider actions in such a situation.

Execution of government duties. Filling out a time sheet during the period of conscription activities.

In addition to the issue of dismissal of an employee under clause 1, part 1, art. 83 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, the question arises: “How to reflect the days of absence of an employee during the period of events related to conscription?”

In the working time sheet, such days are designated by the letter “G” - Execution of government duties.

Let's complicate the example.

Before dismissal, the work shifts of employee Korolev I.F. fell on the days of his call to the military registration and enlistment office for a medical examination - October 10 and 11, 2022. According to his schedule, these are his working days. These days are marked for the employee as days of performing government duties and are paid according to average earnings.

Therefore, if the dismissal was preceded by such days, then the employee should fill out the document “Absence with pay” in the “Personnel” - “All absences of employees” section.

Let’s look at filling out the document step by step and creating a new type of accrual “Payment of government duties.”

Step 1. Create an “Absence with payment” document.

Step 2. Indicate in the “Type of time” section the reason for absence – “Performance of government duties” and the period of time.

Step 3. On the “Payment” tab, specify the type of accrual. This accrual may not be in the accrual directory, so we will create it ourselves.

Step 4. After opening the directory for selection, click the “Create” button.

Step 5. In the window that opens, enter the name of the new accrual – “Payment of government duties.”

The program will set the remaining settings automatically, since we enter a new element from the document “Absence with retention of payment” and the system itself will “suggest” the necessary settings.

The next step is especially important!

Step 6. On the “Priority” tab, in the “Accruals whose priority is lower” section, using the “Selection” button, add the types of accruals used for the employee, for example, “Payment based on salary.” In our example, we use the accrual type “Payment by salary (hourly)” and “Additional payment for work at night.”

That is, if an employee has entered the “Payment of government duties” accrual, these types of accruals are not carried out. In this part of the window you add your existing accruals, which are replaced by the “Payment of government duties” accrual.

If that step is not configured, then this accrual will not supersede the “Payment by salary” accrual, and when you try to post documents “Dismissal” or “Absence with retention of payment”, the program will generate an error - “period XX will be paid as “Payment by salary (by hours) with a current document and as “Payment of government duties” with the document Absence with retention of payment...”

Those. the program will try to accrue for these days twice and the document will not be posted.

Step 7. Check the settings on the “Taxes and Fees” tab. The accrual is subject to personal income tax and insurance contributions, and is taken into account in labor costs according to paragraphs. 6 tbsp. 225 Tax Code of the Russian Federation.

Step 8: Click “Save and Close.” The “Payment of government duties” accrual has been created. Select it into the document.

The program will calculate the average earnings and, based on it, will accrue for the days the employee spent at the military registration and enlistment office to undergo a medical examination.

Step 9. Go to the “Accrued (details)” tab. The accrual amount is reflected here, indicating the hours (days) and period of paid absence.

If an employee is marked with days of performing government duties during the conscription period, when calculating accruals in the “Dismissal” document, the calculation will be made taking into account the accrual based on the average earnings for the days of absence.

Step 10. Create a time sheet in the “Salary” - “Salary Reports” section.

Instead of days of attendance on the report card, days of absence are about - Execution of government duties.

Step 11. Open the dismissal order.

Let us recall that the accruals in the dismissal order were as follows: “Payment by salary (hourly)” accrued for the period from 10/01/2020 to 10/12/2020 in the amount of 4483.64 rubles.

And, if you do not configure the “Payment of government duties” accrual, on the “Priority” tab your salary will continue to be accrued in full for this period. Although we indicated that for two days, October 10 and 11, the employee performed government duties and entered the document. As a result of posting the document, an error appeared.

After setting the accrual priority, recalculate the accrual in the “Dismissal” document.

The accrual of “Payment by salary (by the hour)” decreased because We have accrued two days with the document “Absence with payment retained.”

Step 12. Generate the “Employee Payslip” report in the “Salary” - “Salary Reports” section.

The following accruals are highlighted on the payslip:

• payment for actual time worked (payment based on salary and additional payment for night work);

• payment of government duties - for two days of passing a medical examination at the military registration and enlistment office;

• severance pay upon dismissal - two weeks;

• compensation for unused vacation.

Step 13. Pay all amounts due to the employee.

This is how it works in 1C: ZUP ed. 3.1 documents are drawn up reflecting the employee’s absence and dismissal due to conscription for military service.

Author of the article: Olga Kruglova

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If an employee was absent upon dismissal

There are situations when an employee is dismissed in his absence. Urgent entry into the army deprives the conscript of free time to resign. Some of them purposefully do not begin this procedure in order to regain their jobs after the army.

By the way! The manager has the right to dismiss a young man who is in military service, but on the same basis as with the employee’s personal statement.

When drawing up an order, you must indicate that the document is drawn up unilaterally. After this, you need to enter the corresponding text in the work book, which must be kept in the company’s archives until the age of 75. It must be issued upon request of the employee.

In addition, the employer can send the book by mail at the request of the employee or personally to the employee’s close relatives, for example, to the spouse or parents, by proxy.

General procedure

Voluntary and service-related care are slightly different. The following describes in detail the algorithm of actions upon dismissal:

  1. Actions begin with the issuance of a decree.
  2. The main document that needs to be provided to the manager is a summons issued by the military registration and enlistment office obliging him to appear at the training site. They can also send a summons for passing a commission to determine the employee’s suitability group or for coming to clarify the data. Such documents are not a reason for terminating the employment contract.
  3. The manager should study the information on the agenda, because they look similar and are drawn up on the same forms in all cases.
  4. An employee is not required to write a statement stating that he is leaving the workplace due to conscription. Some companies insist on writing a statement in order to protect themselves from unnecessary overpayment.
  5. The terms of dismissal are not specified in the Constitution, so the personnel officer and the conscript can agree on the period of service, as well as the date of dismissal (usually it is set one day before departure).
  6. If the manager and employee have discussed all the nuances and agreed on the last day of work, then a dismissal order is signed.
  7. The boss issues a work book with a note in it that the employee was dismissed for good reason. After this, the company must pay its former employee.

The decree of dismissal and the issuance of a work book with payment occur on the last working day.

Payments upon dismissal due to military service

A young man who is called up for service must be paid on the last working day after all documents for dismissal have been completed (Article 84.1 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation). Payments that a conscript must receive:

  • payment for days worked;
  • cash benefits for unused vacation days;
  • two-week allowance, calculated based on the average monthly salary (Article 178 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation).

If an employee took vacation in advance, then upon dismissal the employer does not have the right to withhold advance vacation pay from payments, according to Art. 137 Labor Code of the Russian Federation.

Benefits, compensation and salaries for conscripts must be reflected in the company's expense sheet in the form of labor costs.

When to pay the money

On the last working day of an employee called up to the army, a full payment is made to him, which includes:

  • balance of salary;
  • compensation for unused vacation;
  • severance pay in the amount of half the monthly salary (this payment is not subject to personal income tax).

If it is not possible to pay the conscript personally, all funds due to him are transferred to the depositor until:

  • the former employee or his authorized representative will not come for them personally;
  • The company's management will receive a notification, certified by the military unit command, about the procedure for making payments (this may, among other things, send money to the place of service of the resigned employee).

Employment after service

If an employee worked in a non-governmental organization before being drafted into the army, then the Legislation does not oblige the manager to hire him to his previous place of work (Clause 1 of Article 81 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation).

It is different in government agencies. The employee must be hired to his previous place or to a position equivalent to the one previously occupied within 3 months from the date of termination of military service. This is evidenced by paragraph 5 of Article 23 of the Federal Law of May 27, 1998 No. 76-FZ “On the status of military personnel.” Also, such an employee may be given financial assistance upon his personal application or within 3 months from the date of hiring. The organization sets its own payment amounts.

Main reason

If a summons is issued, management is obliged to fire the employee. There are 2 types of documents under which dismissal occurs without service:

  • A document obliging a person to come to the gathering place for military service
  • A document stating that the employee is recognized as fit for alternative service

These papers are delivered to either the employee or the employer. Termination of the contract is carried out only upon provision of a document confirming completion of fixed-term or alternative service. When providing other documents from the military registration and enlistment office, the personnel officer is not obliged to dismiss his employee.

Video on how to fire correctly:

Let's summarize

  1. Dismissal due to conscription into the army (not for contract service) is formalized under Art. 83 Labor Code of the Russian Federation.
  2. The reason for terminating the employment contract is a summons from the military commissariat. An employee can write a resignation letter at will.
  3. Upon dismissal, in addition to standard payments, a conscripted employee is entitled to a benefit in the amount of two weeks' average earnings.
  4. Withholding the amount for vacation taken in advance is illegal in this case.
  5. Guarantees of employment at the previous place of work are possible only if the employee worked in a government agency.

Possible difficulties

When terminating an employment relationship with a person serving in the military, some difficulties may arise:

  1. When choosing grounds for dismissal. It is important to take into account that termination of the contract under paragraph 1 of Art. 83 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation is allowed only during army conscription. This article does not apply and dismissal is not carried out upon receipt of a summons for training, upon entering service under a contract, and so on. However, such a basis (clause 1. Article 83 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation) is mandatory when calling a citizen to alternative civil service. In this case, forcing a person to write a letter of resignation at will is unlawful.
  2. When determining the date of dismissal. Termination is not carried out on the day the employer receives the summons. The date is calculated taking into account the day when the citizen must arrive at the collection point (at least one day). The date of dismissal is the last day actually worked by the person.
  3. When familiarizing yourself with the order, issuance of the work book, calculation. Difficulties arise when an employee is absent from work. In this case, an appropriate note is made on the order, the money and documentation remain in storage in the organization or, upon official request, are sent to the citizen.

We can briefly summarize what has been discussed: termination of employment relationships in connection with military conscription is carried out on the basis of a summons sent from the military registration and enlistment office to the employee or employer. In this case, processing is not provided. Registration of dismissal is carried out according to the standard algorithm based on the order.

In addition to basic payments, the employee is also provided with severance pay in the amount of 2 weeks' earnings. A person’s job is retained only if he is employed in a government agency.

Summons to employee

The employee is sent a summons to appear at the appointed time at the military commissariat of the municipal formation (municipalities) to be sent to the place of military service.

This is established by paragraph 16 of the Regulations on the conscription of citizens of the Russian Federation for military service, approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of November 11, 2006 No. 663.

Keep in mind that a subpoena may also be issued to the employer.

The summons has a special form - Appendix No. 30 to Order No. 400 of the Russian Ministry of Defense dated October 2, 2007. It must be signed by the military commissar and certified with a seal.

A document confirming the fact that an employee has been called up for military service can also be an official response received from the military commissariat to the employer’s request.

Contributions and tax

As the Tax Code of the Russian Federation states, conscripts do not need to pay taxes and insurance contributions on the weekend benefits received. However, according to the third paragraph of Article 217 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation, you will still have to pay tax and insurance contributions for compensation for unpaid vacation .

Personal income tax must be paid by the tax agent no later than the day when the amount to pay compensation to employees is received and when the amount is transferred to the employee’s account. Contributions and personal income tax are paid at the rates that apply in the company.

The conscription of an employee into the army is a frequent occurrence for which any employer should be prepared. This inevitably threatens the termination of the employment contract, and the employer is obliged to provide the conscript with all necessary payments and compensation . Calculating the amount of benefits and salary is not difficult, but it is important that they are transferred to the bank account not only in full, but also on time.

What monetary compensation is due to a future soldier?

As already noted, those called up for military service are entitled to both basic and additional payments. Below we will talk in more detail about each of them.

Severance pay

Severance pay is paid to a conscript employee within the limits of this person’s 2-week average earnings. It is issued along with all other payments or earlier, if desired by the company administration. The main thing is, no later than the last working day - if the worker is present at work.


Like other resigning employees, conscripts are entitled to a standard financial calculation of wages.
Everything that the employer must pay to the employee at the time of dismissal, he pays in full. Attention! If there is a dispute regarding payment amounts, the portion for which there is no dispute is paid. The employee can sue the employer for the rest if he is confident that he is right. In addition to the salary itself, calculations are made for all components of the remuneration system: allowances, bonuses, additional payments stipulated by internal regulations or the provisions of individual labor agreements.

Vacation pay

All resigning employees are entitled to vacation pay. This refers to unrealized vacations that a person can take off immediately before dismissal, at his request, or receive monetary compensation for them.

What to do if an employee does not show up for work?

In some cases, an employee of military age does not show up at work. The reason for this behavior may be the lack of time to inform the employer about the imminent departure to a military unit. This can happen not only due to the fault of the employee, but also due to late receipt of the summons.

In this situation, the personnel service should proceed as follows:

  • daily mark the days of absence of the employee in the time sheet;
  • send a letter to the military registration and enlistment office if the employee is liable for military service;
  • upon confirmation of the call to dismiss the citizen with reference to clause 1 of Art. 83 Labor Code of the Russian Federation. The date of signing the order will be the day the feedback is received from the authorized structure;
  • if the assumptions are not confirmed, the employment contract is terminated due to absenteeism.

If the contract is terminated in absentia, the employer will not be able to give the work book to the former subordinate, nor will he be able to familiarize the latter with the order. Then a note about these circumstances is made in the document accepted by the organization. The work record book, in turn, must be stored in the company’s archives for 75 years. If the employee declares the need to receive a document, it can be sent by mail. The representative receives the book only if he has a notarized power of attorney.

What documents can be obtained from the military registration and enlistment office?

Companies and the military registration and enlistment office exchange data about the employee’s work and military activities. The personnel officer may request information from the military commissariat in the following cases:

  • When an employee provides a questionable subpoena
  • An employee who is due to leave soon does not show up for work.

If the answer is positive, the manager must prepare a dismissal order, and if required by the commissariat, then notify him that labor relations with the conscript have been terminated.

The employee did not quit and joined the army

In order to cheat and leave their place at work, conscripts may not inform their boss about the conscription. However, the law regulates this issue: an employee subject to conscription must be dismissed no more than 3 months after being sent to his place of duty.

Important information for employers in the video:

Dismissal due to military conscription differs from the usual procedure. It is necessary that the employee notify his superiors in a timely manner about his resignation. In turn, the manager will prepare documents and carry out the dismissal procedure legally.


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Saving space

Dismissal due to joining the army does not depend on the company management and the employee. From the moment the dismissal decree is signed, any connections between the conscript and the employer are terminated; accordingly, the company is not obliged to maintain a place for him and work at a loss.

Retention of the position is possible by mutual agreement between the company and the conscript. To be on the safe side, the employee must sign an agreement that will spell out the terms of work after service, and will also indicate that he will be re-employed.

Making an entry in the work book

Based on the order, the employee responsible for maintaining labor records records the dismissal in the labor record. The wording will be as follows: “Dismissed due to conscription for military service, paragraph 1 of part one of Article 83 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation.” The order is indicated as the basis.

When making an entry, you should take into account what service the employee is being called up for. If we are talking about alternative service, then the entry in the book will be different: “Dismissed due to conscription for alternative service, paragraph 1 of part one of Article 83 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation.”

Important! As with any other dismissal, the employee responsible for maintaining the books signs the entry.

The corresponding records of dismissal are also entered into the employee’s personal card (

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