How is the organization’s property reflected in accounting? To briefly answer the question, what is
Setting up the inventory accounting method Correct closing of cost accounts begins with filling out the organization's accounting policy.
Founders are the persons who initiated the creation of an organization. A constituent agreement is concluded between them. Exactly
Vacation schedule template and T7 form We also enter into the table the remaining vacation days from
The procedure for the acquisition of food or industrial products between the seller and the buyer is regulated by the provisions of the Civil Code
Account 98 in accounting This account is intended to accumulate information about: Income received,
What is a TORG-12 consignment note? Consignment note TORG-12 is a document for processing transactions
Long-term and short-term financial investments Placement of free funds of an organization for the purpose of subsequent extraction
What is a receipt for a PKO? A receipt for a cash receipt order (PKO) is a document confirming
Income from the sale of consignment goods goes to KUDiR First of all, it is worth recalling that this